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This topic has been filling my mind recently as I slowly draw what he would look like as an AntiHero. I think it would be an interesting concept since there are already characters like Anti-He-Man and Faker as Villians, why not create an AntiHero He-Man?
Also just listening to ANTI-HERO by SEKAI NO OWARI has been fueling my motivation to create a backstory for this version of He-Man and how it would work (It's not going to be the best, but I'm sure the pieces will fall in place)
Personally I always saw Robert E. Howard's Conan the Barbarian as the antihero equivalent to He-Man. Yes, he was often a loud drunk barbarian, a thief, a prirate, a womanizer, a mercenary, an expert fighter and killer, but he did have a moral code about him and regularly was loyal, honorable and stood up for those that could not stand up for themselves.
So I can see an adaptation of He-Man being in this Conan vein. We actually got a little taste of this antihero He-Man already in the Masterverse comic issue #3. 🙂
We have the Power!
@princeofeternia The art style was not my favorite, but he looked like the New Eternia He-Man:
We have the Power!
I could see an older, more battle-worn Adam being like this. A version where he's gotten tired of the constant fighting. Maybe suffered one or more major losses.
It's definitely an idea worth pursuing.
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@costume-n00b Thats the way I'm going with it sorta, though not sure where to go now due to the story needing to be processed in my brain.
I can definitely see Marlena passing since during the 80s, she's been with Adam more than Randor
Could be some cool story lines going down this road, very real and grittyÂ
Could be some cool story lines going down this road, very real and grittyÂ
I don't know if He-Man and gritty can go together. Zack Snyder tried that with Superman and we all know how fans reacted.
@princeofeternia You lost me there bro. Adam and He-Man have the same mind. I can't see one having an anti hero attitude and not the other.