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I have not been here for a long time so this could have very well been brought up in the past. If so, please be patient with me as I navigate through forum posts:


Hopefully I can make sense of this. Envision dying and if for what ever reason we head over to the after life. Each of us has our own belief of what happens after we die but I think the end result becomes the same. At some point we ourselves will become a better version of ourself and become a god being. Now in thinking like this... You have no idea how many times I've heard the phrase, "This life is so short it's just a blink of the eye", so where exactly is our mind at this point in the Eternia? If I die and become a stronger being and life is just a blink of an eye, I am sure I'm going to forget the majority of what ever happened on "Planet Earth".

This may sound strange but sometimes I make mental notes to my future self, or the self who has passed on to remember certain things I need them to remember and not forget. That's where I start to feel like and and my future existance are two different beings. So lets say I was able to find a way to tap into the universe before leaving this earth. What could this effect have on me. Then I start thinking of He-Man and Battle Cat, especially Battle Cat. We see that Cringer does not really like having all that power jabbed down his throat, and maybe thats how it is for all animals. That could be why we dont hear much about animals being god like beings. They are creatures of a simpler life. They know how to eat, sleep and mate with each other. When I see how Cringer acts before he is turned into Battle Cat, and how Battle Cat is after transformation I keep feeling like they are two different versions of themselves.

Nope. Brain is still tangled so someone help me out here. How does this whole mindset thing work after they call down the power of the universe? And I wonder if I have ever run around in my underwear after saying, "By the Power of Grayskull". Maybe Grayskull is the secret word to become a god and maybe I've forgotten about it because or reverting back to my weak, dull brained human that I am just can't process that much.

Also, if you had all the power in the universe would you go around killing things even after you know you can't die? I see me like a mighty cat against a mouse. I'd toy around with it for a while till I got bored with it such as He-Man is doing with poor Skeletor who Skeletor whats is to be a more powerful being as well.



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