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I do too, that's why I was shocked when I didn't see a post about it on this website
Welcome to ForEternia! It's such a pleasure for you to be here! For a while, I have looked into and read your website and it's quite inspiring!
Bugged my boyfriend to take me to the comic book store just to get this issue, I didn't want to miss the issue before it was all gone (There were 2 is...
I definitely would if I had the money lol (I want to play it)
I'm pretty hyped about seeing this sneak peak! I enjoyed myself watching Revelation in the past, so I am really excited to see a Revolution sneak peak...
@he-dad I forgot a lot that Adam and He-Man are the same people and not two different people sometimes, my apologies
@he-dad I see where your saying with that. Thats why I can kinda see Adam more than He-Man, since He-Man is suppose to be the hero while Adam is just,...
@mike Agreed here, I have some ideas but they are very loose at the moment. I do need to research more if I get the chance
@admin Ohh! Thats really cool! Didn't know that would he the AntiHero He-Man but he does seem to be a good fit for the role
@costume-n00b Thats the way I'm going with it sorta, though not sure where to go now due to the story needing to be processed in my brain. I can def...
@admin Dang, I haven't read Issue 3 of Masterverse yet (Mostly because the nearest comic store I like is around an hour away). I bet he looked cool in...
@dan1980 There quite few He-Man related things in the UK, one of them including the London Edition comic series which is also on the Iceberg! It will ...
@dan1980 Well, the main point of a iceberg is to store information. The top is the information a lot of people know (Ex. The 80s He-Man series), and a...
@he-dad Not really lol, there are some task you can do to get badges but its more of customizing the iceberg more than adding the entries/logs
@he-dad Nothing happens when I hit 300, Its just a really big goal I wanna reach. Sure I may not reach the goal, but it may happen one day
@he-dad Thank you!! I am hoping to reach 230 soon, but my main goal is to hit 300! I hope I reach that goal soon
@elder I hope you enjoy my work! Some of the entries/logs won't have links because its either that I haven't found the link yet or its just a theor...
THIS REALLY HYPES ME!!! I loved her role in the 1987 movie, so I'm very excited to see her voice Motherboard!!
I really love how Skeletor looks! I enjoy his design and design changes during the show and I love his figure now!
@deltavax I don't think so, I personally never read the DC comics. But I did find the art. I thought it was official but after looking at the water ma...