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So I had a thread on where I posted my versions of bio cards for Classics as I, like many fans, wasn't always overly thrilled with the actual official ones. I figured I'd restart it here to share them.
I have a lot more but I'm going to upload them here slowly so as to 1. not trigger a spam detector and 2. give me time to work on new ones
This is awesome bro! I am really going to look forward to reading these because there are a lot of Classics bios that I haven't read.
And you don't need to post [img] tags. Just the image url and it will embed!
don't need to post [img] tags. Just the image url and it will embed!
When I load the pictures from Imgur i just click on the copy BBcode link button and paste it here it automatically adds the [img] tags. I found that if I remove the tags the image comes up smaller thus making the text harder to read.
When I load the pictures from Imgur i just click on the copy BBcode link button and paste it here it automatically adds the [img] tags. I found that if I remove the tags the image comes up smaller thus making the text harder to read.
You come across this too @Smitty-81 ?
@he-dad yes. What I found out is if I right click on the picture in then copy image address and paste that it'll post the full size image.
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/8/2025
@he-dad it's really not. It's just the way it interacts with this board software.
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/8/2025
@he-dad I post on TFW2005 using image tags with no problem, it was the same on the org.
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/8/2025
okay @smitty-81 's suggestion works. Thank you. Yeah I haven't had any real problems with Imgur other than sometimes my page bookmark stops working and gives me a "oops we can't find that" message. I'm still on the Imgur site though so all I have to do is click on my handle in the top and it goes to the page. Still beats Photobucket which I used until they started slapping ugly watermarks on everything, and stopped allowing links thus defeating the whole purpose I used them for! Then they wanted $500 a year to host on top of that!
Yes! there's my favourite stinky bad guy!
He was the stand out stinky figure for me when I was a kid. I could tell he was a Mer-Man repaint, even then I could see through the paint of lies but I didn't care. I always keep an eye out for him MOC for my collection but whenever I do see one the card or blister is in a terrible state. I will find one eventually.
@he-dad I don't know all the repaints. If somebody has a list of them that would be neat to look at.
@he-dad I don't know all the repaints. If somebody has a list of them that would be neat to look at.
If anybody has that info its @battleramblog
Can ya help us bro?
@he-dad I don't know all the repaints. If somebody has a list of them that would be neat to look at.
If anybody has that info its @battleramblog
Can ya help us bro?
From the vintage line, there aren't that many figures that are 100% made from existing tooling.
Stinkor, Moss Man, Panthor, and Screeech, and Faker. Of those Faker and Panthor are well-loved, especially Faker. But probably not more well-loved than He-Man and Battle Cat.
But of course Battle Cat's body was an existing tool from the Big Jim tiger, and Battle Cat is way more beloved and iconic than the Big Jim figure. The Big Jim figure didn't have the saddle and helmet of course. I would say the same for Zoar as compared to the Big Jim eagle.