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@stillyoungatheart I think it's Horde Skeletor from the Revelation comic. Took a couple of screengrabs from comic and trailer for comparison: &...
Loving the Horde shots in the trailer, Grizzlor has always been my favourite Horde villain. Mantenna's tongues a bit weird though, along with the us...
@depp76 Yep spied that one on first vieiwing, a cool inclusion.
OMG! my jaw was on the floor. HYPED.
@admin Thank you the kind words, I don't feel so lonely now. I'm just being greedy for screen time. Hopefully one day in the future The Stinkor S...
@admin A fair few fans were saddened by Fisto and Clamp Champs brief appearnce in Revelation. To that I say try being a Stinkor fan. Hopefully he a...
@asterstar He was the stand out stinky figure for me when I was a kid. I could tell he was a Mer-Man repaint, even then I could see through the pai...
Yes! there's my favourite stinky bad guy!
@ninadust Yeah there really isn't a response to that but I am of course fooling around. Oppenheimer was the best this year (PAW patrol almost got t...
@dedset13 Hey buddy, thanks for the welcome. Not long to go now!
@he-dad Thanks!, nice to meet you.
@adoralovely If you love Morbious (stunning, just stunning) you'll go crazy for PAW Patrol The Mighty Movie! Don't stream it though, try get your...
@ninadust Oppenhiemer just seemed to be lacking to me in various areas. It just failed to resonate with me emotionally. PAW Patrol however, THAT ...
Favorite: PAW Patrol The Mighty Movie Least Favorite: Oppenheimer
@admin Hi Aj Yup, the Reveltion threads were very heated at times (understatement). Hopefully there will be cooler heads for Revolution. ...
@brasco Hey Brasco! nice to meet you. Cool to hear other fans hyped for Revolution, not long away now. If I took Netflix away from my son I'd l...
It's a really cool line, TMNT is another figure line I love to collect. Hard to keep up with all the lines just now though. I'd be happy with just...