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Might be worth mentioning, if I haven't already, Etheria is NOT inside Despondos in my canon. Never was. Always hated that idea as it just doesn't work with established canon. I stick with the original intention/iteration of Despondos as a sort of cross between the Phantom Zone and Hell.
I'm not exactly sure when the trend of constantly killing off Sorceress started, but it ain't happening in my canon!
One of the problems I have when making these bios is when continuities clash. One of the biggest places where that occurs is when it involves the Snake Men since in the vintage canon it was a big plot point that most of King Hiss' warriors were still trapped in the void and releasing them was his biggest motivation. But in 200X the whole army was released right from the start -which makes introducing new Snake Men a problem since they should have been there all along. I try to work around it with most so they fit either but sometimes it ends up being one canon and not another.
Not sure why I decided to make this guy a separate character instead of a variant of Kobra Khan but I like what I came up with.
I first came up with the idea of Hordak destroying the snake armor when writing my 200X continuity fan-fics (which I really should get back to -at least finishing the one I started but never wrapped up) it was mainly just to showcase how powerful Hordak was.
I always liked Saurod. I got his figure as a kid and thought he was super cool. I didn't get to see the movie until a few years later on video so I only then discovered his part was small and he got killed. While I like the movie overall that part still pisses me off so in my canon I decided to bring him back but wasn't sure exactly how I wanted to do it. I eventually decided the Cosmic Enforcers did it, but didn't explain why at first. Then a female Cosmic Enforcer of Saurod's race was introduced into canon and the story wrote itself in minutes.
It was a pleasure to read some of them: Shield Maiden, Dawg-O-Tor, Space Ace, Tank Top ... The latter were somehow merged with Vykron's official biography, hence their omission. So you can say that this diplomatic incident has been nicely rectified; at least unofficially!
Couple Halloween appropriate ones
Okay so when I first wrote my bio for the Horde Mummy he had not yet been released or given an official name. Various fan names were floating arounf the internet with many over on liking and adopting Fear-Ro, a play on Pharaoh. I made up his story based around that name and honestly still like it better than Wrap Trap.
Yeah obviously this is a brand new one I just made. I was a bit confused for a while if Necro-Conda was an individual on an army builder character. I kinda liked the name more for an individual character, but the actual figure's box says its a bunch made from shed snake man skins. I decided to split the difference: Necro-Conda is one guy, but he can make minions out of his shed skin.
This bio makes more sense if you're familiar with's use of the character.
I liked the design if the Unnamed One figure but not the back story Scott made up. Plus I'm pretty sure it was stated the Nameless/Unnamed One was originally going to be Keldor so...
Okay, so I wanted to work in the unreleased "Evil Robot" character but obviously needed a better name than Evil Robot. Like many I put him with the Horde since the prototype figure had red bat logos on him. At the time however I did not know that 1. the proposed figure was a reuse of Japanese mold toy (kinda like the Meteorbs) and 2. it was actually much shorter than a standard MOTU figure. Honestly I think a lot of people didn't know that as all fan art I've seen working in this guy makes him the same size if not even larger and bulkier. I like what I came up with so I'm keeping it.