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Which Origins figures did you miss?

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Royal Guard
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I'm just curious how many collectors missed out on Origins figures? I'm still missing a few. This line is hard as hell to complete. Mattel made sure that I would have holes in my collection.

And then I see some Youtubers sitting on multiples of every figure & they won't part with them. The toy hoarders. They'll sit on 20 of the rarest figures while others couldn't even get 1. 

I still need to get:

Dragon Blaster Skeletor
Snake Horde Trooper
Camo Khan
Thunder Punch He-Man

I don't want comic Trap-Jaw at all. And I will never get the Power-Con exclusives because of the prices. And I won't be getting King Grayskull because I didn't order Eternia. 

EDIT: Just to clarify, I'm only talking about the Vintage Collection. Not the Cartoon Collection or Turtles Of Grayskull. I consider them 3 separate/different lines. 

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I originally missed out on Kol-darr but traded a kobra Kahn and King Hiss for him. 

Duplico but a fellow member sold me one for regular retail and picked up another when he went back up on MC. 

Wundar but was able to get him when they put him back up for pre order 


Palace Guard
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I'm missing a good few but still working on getting them. 

He-Man (Battle Armor)(single carded)

He-Man (Thunder Punch)

Hordak (Buzz Saw)


Skeletor (Dragon Blaster)

Snout Spout

Eternian Palace Guard 

Lords of Power 5-Pack (PowerCon)

Prince Adam / He-Man (SDCC)

She-Ra (PowerCon)

Teela & Zoar


He-Man (200X)

Skeletor (200X)

He-Man (Snake Armor)

Roboto (Mini Comic)

Skeletor (Snake Armor)


Snake Trooper,

Eternian Guard (Infiltrator),

Man-at-Arms (Snake Armour), 

Man-e-Faces mini comic

I have managed to pick up most of the Power con exclusives but damn is cost me a lot. 

I also haven't picked up the Sun Man characters. I just had no connection to those characters so they didn't grab me. 

"If you feel safe in the area you’re working in, you’re not working in the right area. Always go a little further into the water than you feel you’re capable of being in. Go a little bit out of your depth. And when you don’t feel that your feet are quite touching the bottom, you’re just about in the right place to do something exciting."

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The only thing I'm missing is the second Sun-Man three pack that stupid Target cancelled on everyone and for some reason won't put online when they are supposedly in store everywhere.  But I don't have Target stores where I live and I refuse to pay $100 for it on eBay.  And I fear this is going to be the same story with Terroar, Lord Gr'asp, Snake Wraith, and Stranger Things Skeletor set.  Otherwise I have everything else that has been released in the Origins line so far.  

Daavid reacted
Palace Guard
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@depp76 awesome. I have a way to go before I catch up with you. When you say everything, are you including CC and ToG?

"If you feel safe in the area you’re working in, you’re not working in the right area. Always go a little further into the water than you feel you’re capable of being in. Go a little bit out of your depth. And when you don’t feel that your feet are quite touching the bottom, you’re just about in the right place to do something exciting."

Depp76 reacted
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Posted by: @daavid

@depp76 awesome. I have a way to go before I catch up with you. When you say everything, are you including CC and ToG?

WelI I didn't really take into account that technically the CC and ToG are Origins too lol, so within the whole universe of Origins I don't have everything then.  I have everything so far from the vintage line and the CC, but I decided not to partake in collecting the ToG. 😁


Daavid reacted
Palace Guard
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@depp76 I've tried not to indulge this urge to get into collecting tmnt toys but the motutmnt line is making it difficult because it looks pretty cool. 😅

"If you feel safe in the area you’re working in, you’re not working in the right area. Always go a little further into the water than you feel you’re capable of being in. Go a little bit out of your depth. And when you don’t feel that your feet are quite touching the bottom, you’re just about in the right place to do something exciting."

Depp76 reacted
Royal Guard
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I just edited the original post. this is only about the Vintage Collection. I consider them 3 separate/different lines. I'm only interested in the main line we've been working on for the past 3 years. The one that just got totally screwed & thrown over to Mattel Creations as yesterday's trash. 

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Palace Guard
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Posted by: @sci-fitsunami

I just edited the original post. this is only about the Vintage Collection. I consider them 3 separate/different lines. I'm only interested in the main line we've been working on for the past 3 years. The one that just got totally screwed & thrown over to Mattel Creations as yesterday's trash.

Okay cool then in that case I'm only missing the newest Sun-Man three pack. 👍


Palace Guard
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@depp76 ha, I nearly had you dragged down to my level of incompleteness 😅

"If you feel safe in the area you’re working in, you’re not working in the right area. Always go a little further into the water than you feel you’re capable of being in. Go a little bit out of your depth. And when you don’t feel that your feet are quite touching the bottom, you’re just about in the right place to do something exciting."

Depp76 reacted
Royal Guard
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Since i over paid for 2 comic MEF figures. We have 2 complete sets of everything released, loose and carded/boxed. All creation, power con, sdcc exclusives. We have been pretty lucky with being to get everything at regular prices, except the MEF figures.


Im actually happy about it, because I usually get burned out, or tired of how hard these are to acquire, where i say hell with it. And now loving the cartoon line.  I just cant get into the turtle line. Doesnt click with me.

Depp76 and Daavid reacted
Royal Guard
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Ah, this is a sore spot topic for me 😀


I sadly missed a few, plus the one I deliberately skipped (like RoTS). 

Figures that never made it to my neck of the woods (as far as I can tell):

- Origins Leech
- Origins Snout Spout

Figures that were released here but that I missed anyway:

- Origins Mantenna
- Origins Buzz-saw Hordak


At least there are the figures that I am annoyed not having in my collection...


Palace Guard
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@banthafett wow, 2 complete sets. Amazing.

"If you feel safe in the area you’re working in, you’re not working in the right area. Always go a little further into the water than you feel you’re capable of being in. Go a little bit out of your depth. And when you don’t feel that your feet are quite touching the bottom, you’re just about in the right place to do something exciting."

Palace Guard
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I totally forgot that I also didn't get the Mattel Creations exclusive deluxe Sun-Man figure.  So for giggles I jumped on eBay which I haven't been on in quite a while, and it turned out that I had a little bit of credit points to use.  So I actually scored the deluxe Sun-Man figure for $15 and the newest Sun-Man three pack that I'm missing for $30.  So now I am 100% complete with vintage Origins, that is until these stupid Walmart and Target exclusive figures drop that will be nearly impossible to get lol.  

Daavid reacted
Palace Guard
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@depp76 I'm only visiting this thread to feel bad about what I don't have lol. 

Good job rounding out the collection! 

"If you feel safe in the area you’re working in, you’re not working in the right area. Always go a little further into the water than you feel you’re capable of being in. Go a little bit out of your depth. And when you don’t feel that your feet are quite touching the bottom, you’re just about in the right place to do something exciting."

Depp76 reacted
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Posted by: @daavid

@banthafett wow, 2 complete sets. Amazing.


yeah its been a fun ride so far.  Favorite boxed item is clear skeletor, favorite loose is blue adam from the first origins release because of cloth vest. Really wish they would rerelease regular adam with cloth vest and new head sculpt.

Also have 2 complete sets if the mega masters line. I can’t believe how much battle bones goes for and they havent released a different version. But im thinking that line is dead now.

i never go gaga over things, but i do love the origins line. Think it has to do with disney killing my love for Star wars. Star wars was my life, i cant even bring myself to buy a vintage star wars item. I just dont care anymore.


Daavid reacted
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@banthafett you just reminded me I don’t have the lords of power set. I too have 2 complete sets for origins with the exception of clear Skeletor, Koll-dar and Lady Slither. (Only have 1 of each) I even have 2 of each of the castles and vehicles, only 1 eternia though. Certain figures I have 3 and 4 of and I have around 10 or 11 Scare glows (for army building)

Royal Guard
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I just bought a Duplico from eBay. I originally wasn't going to bother getting him. But I was looking at his vest & it's perfect for a couple customs I'm working on.

I know some people are hoarding multiples of him & won't part with them. I know of 1 Youtuber that has a bunch of extras. But he won't let 1 go. Because they have to be that way I have to get screwed. Na! Na!  I have 6 & you can't have any. Big babies! Acting like the damned things are made out of solid gold or diamonds.

I'm not even gonna bother with the Power-Con sets. And the only one I want from the Lords Of Power set is Beast-Man. And I won't touch that godawful radioactive comic Trap-Jaw. I passed on Kol-Darr because I don't even know he is. And I skipped Camo-Khan because all the other exclusives were $18 but he was $33.  That really pissed me off. I still don't understand why he was $33.

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I am missing some mini comic versions. I don't get the appeal. I also hate that He-Skeletor.

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Posted by: @kraken

I am missing some mini comic versions. I don't get the appeal. I also hate that He-Skeletor.

I hated He-Skeletor too. But I was able to get him for around $5 at a local toy shop. I had some extra credit & they didn't have anything else interesting so I figured "why not?" 


Palace Guard
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@sci-fitsunami I also didn't really want him but picked him up anyway and when I got him, I thought he was great. Something about it I really liked once I had it in hand.

"If you feel safe in the area you’re working in, you’re not working in the right area. Always go a little further into the water than you feel you’re capable of being in. Go a little bit out of your depth. And when you don’t feel that your feet are quite touching the bottom, you’re just about in the right place to do something exciting."

Royal Guard
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Posted by: @daavid

@sci-fitsunami I also didn't really want him but picked him up anyway and when I got him, I thought he was great. Something about it I really liked once I had it in hand.

Yeah, I also like him better now that I have him.



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