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I was at Target this afternoon, and was looking through the VERY slime MOTU figures and then went to the clearance isle and saw 2 new Eternia beast man figures for $10. Wasn’t sure at first because im a Origins guy, but after thinking about it for like 15 mins I thought what the heck, it’s only $10, then as I came back they were both gone!! Made me happy though that others in the area are wanting motu badly as well
Glad to hear there are still some toy sightings at retail, even if it was on clearance. My local WalMart and Target stores haven't carried any of the lines in months. And I'm still sort of confused by the Origins news... in that Moss Man is supposed to be a WalMart exclusive, yet I haven't seen any life of MOTU there in so long. Maybe it'll be available by online order only through WalMart?
Anyways... sorry to hear you couldn't nab at least one of those Beast Man figures.
@hordeprime yeah, there are a couple Walmart’s and a target within an hour, the closer Walmart has nothing, the farther one usually Andra and Origins Jitsu and Stratos. Sometimes there is random others. Also the one Walmart has several Rotons
I was at Target this afternoon, and was looking through the VERY slime MOTU figures and then went to the clearance isle and saw 2 new Eternia beast man figures for $10. Wasn’t sure at first because im a Origins guy, but after thinking about it for like 15 mins I thought what the heck, it’s only $10, then as I came back they were both gone!! Made me happy though that others in the area are wanting motu badly as well
Sorry they were out though. The Masterverse New Eternia Beast Man is really an incredible figure, and would be another terrific figure to own, especially at that price! And it would get you closer to finally building a Masterverse collection! 😃
Did you order Fang-Or buddy?
We have the Power!
I didn’t. I wish I would have, he looks so cool, but have been getting a decent amount lately and I’m also waiting on Skeleton Warriors two pack and Snake Mountain. (I don’t want to get to carried away that my wife says to slow down,lol). I think I’m going to try for Lady Slither though.
Wives. They're no fun. They are always stopping us from getting a second mortgage on the house so we can buy more toys 🤣🤣🤣
I know! They always wanna plan ahead and be “smart” with the money, psshhh, what a drag
I know! They always wanna plan ahead and be “smart” with the money, psshhh, what a drag
Yeah, it's weird.... When I spend money on things I like, then my wife is like we're living through the Great Depression and washing and re-using aluminum foil. If it's something she likes? All of a sudden she's a member of Congress delving out cash to the highest bidder, lol.
All joking aside, she's pretty good about putting up with my geeky hobbies.... mostly 😀