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I'm new, so apologies if this topic has already been done. (I did look and I couldn't find it, but I may have missed it.) But who is your favorite Masterverse figure(s) so far?
Revelation is my favorite sub-line (though I do like New Eternia and the others). Tri-Klops and Trap Jaw are my favorites so far. I love the duel versions you can create with the alternate gear (traditional vs. techno cult). And from the POP sub-line, I think Frosta is the single most beautiful female figure ever created (the head sculpt is amazing and the hair color change technique is a nice touch, though I rarely use it as I don't like getting water on these figures). From the New Eternia line, Two Bad is a really cool figure (big too).
They have yet to produce a figure I don't like.
I kinda feel the same way where there are not any figures I don't like. I missed out on all the classics line tho so my only comparison to other figures in the line are my vintage 80s I have left over.Â
I kinda feel the same way where there are not any figures I don't like. I missed out on all the classics line tho so my only comparison to other figures in the line are my vintage 80s I have left over.Â
Agreed! I find it harder and harder to pick out my favorites because they keep making killer figures! I honestly think it would perhaps be easier to pick out my least favorites because there are so few. (Revelation Skeletor being my least favorite probably, but I am still happy to have him.) So overall I am a very happy Masterverse collector! 🙂
Tri-Klops and Trap Jaw are my favorites so far. I love the duel versions you can create with the alternate gear (traditional vs. techno cult). And from the POP sub-line, I think Frosta is the single most beautiful female figure ever created (the head sculpt is amazing and the hair color change technique is a nice touch, though I rarely use it as I don't like getting water on these figures). From the New Eternia line, Two Bad is a really cool figure (big too).
Yes! Trap-Jaw, Tri-Klops, Frosta and Two Bad are all great. I actually think the latter three are theses characters' best action figures to date! (But New Eternia Trap-Jaw and Tri-Klops are coming soon, so we'll see!) But Catra, She-Ra, Frosta, the Evil-Lyns... Masterverse has really done an amazing job with those female head sculpts. They really knocked them out of the park.
I think I have too many favorites to list, but my latest favorite is New Adventures Skeletor. What a figure! 😯
We have the Power!
Yeah, I think I have to go with either Revelation Tri-Klops or New Eternia Beast Man. But it's a really tough call since so many are terrific.
My 2 favorites are Faker and Grizzlor. I like them better than their classics versions also.Â
For upcoming figures I’m going with Snout Spout
Two-Bad and Slush Head are my faves so far.Â
New Eternia Tri-Klops may change those decisions, but we'll see.
Masks of Power Demons, Prince Dakon, Kobolds, Demons (The Terror of Tri-Klops!), Lodar, New Eternia Ninjor, New Eternia Dragon Blaster Skeletor, Lizorr, Hoove, '87 Movie Man-At-Arms, '87 Movie Skeletor Trooper.