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It’s Pre-Order time! The latest wave of the Masters of the Universe: Origins “Cartoon Collection" action figures are now available for Pre-Order! While currently only available for pre-order at (no affiliation link) we expect availability of FROSTA, BUZZ-OFF and (INVISIBLE) SKELETOR to show up soon at other fan channel retailers as well. Here are some pictures of the full packaging: NOTE: We are still waiting for an in-package look at Buzz-Off. We'll see you next time!
We have the Power!
As usual, these Cartoon Collection figures are incredible and continue to astound… best toy line since Classics imo - Does anyone know of BBTS charges when you place the order or when the figures are actually released?
Frosta is a must have (and thankfully looks better now that we have some more angles of her face). The invisible Skeletor. IDK; don't think I'll get him. The idea is funny but its too much of a very specific one case scenario for my taste. It does give hope for a Santa Adam though 😆
@filmgeek It won't rival Classics until they actually grow a pair and start delving into deep cut characters, especially ones that haven't been done as figures before. Then it'll be legit. Until that happens, it a mere pretender to the throne.
When the Cartoon Collection is done I think there will be more figures in the line than Club Grayskull. Cartoon Collection has already filled some big holes Club Grayskull left.
Who sits at the throne? I think it's fair to say Origins. They are still putting out classic figures, they have the cartoon line, they have the TMNT line, and they will have a Thundercats line soon. I think they win when this is over.
@filmgeek It won't rival Classics until they actually grow a pair and start delving into deep cut characters, especially ones that haven't been done as figures before. Then it'll be legit. Until that happens, it a mere pretender to the throne.
When the Cartoon Collection is done I think there will be more figures in the line than Club Grayskull. Cartoon Collection has already filled some big holes Club Grayskull left.
Who sits at the throne? I think it's fair to say Origins. They are still putting out classic figures, they have the cartoon line, they have the TMNT line, and they will have a Thundercats line soon. I think they win when this is over.
Are some of you collecting them all? For me it be
Vintage yes
Cartoon collection pick and choose
ToG nope
MOTUxThundercats nope
@kraken All of the Cartoon Collection / Had all Classics up until 2012 / 2013 and lost them unfortunately during a store room robbery - so I’m 40 Classics deep on rebuilding that.
I love some of the Masterverse stuff (New Eternia) and I really dig the 200X figs (I only have a few but that Orko and the Neca Staction Hordak are two of the most incredible figures on my shelf) - have a Masterverse Vintage Zodak on the way and pretty excited for the new Vintage sub line ..
- Origins is a real mixed bag for me - I got mostly just got the characters that I liked the look of, but half the line I think looks horrible to me - I got all the vehicles and and core characters and most of the outliers from Mattel Creations but I’m personally not as into slightly better versions of the 1982 toys lol I either want them to look like the classic art or the cartoon versions or whatever iteration (comics movie etc).
@mighty-I have these figs sitting side by side - I wasn’t really comparing anything that Mattel made 10 years ago to anything that Mattel is making today because there really is no comparison. Whereas I’m fully dedicated to the new Cartoon Collection- Classics will always be the highest quality, best classic likenesses out there. They weigh more, they are hand painted and they weren’t mass produced. Like, I don’t even think one can compare any of the new mass produced stuff to the incredible value that we got only a decade ago from Classics.
That said, I’m beyond impressed with the Cartoon Collection and have no doubt it will take the ultimate cake on figs based on the cartoon. I also really love some of the New Eternia sculpts and the new Vintage line - but even those don’t quite capture the iconic perfection of Classics.
@durendal Oh I would never compare any of this stuff to Classics - I just think the Cartoon figs are the best thing Mattel has done since Classics - it doesn’t matter how many figures exist in any given line - I’m talking aesthetic meets quality - it will be a long while and dare I say that there may never be a MOTU line (made by Mattel) that surpasses Classics in quality and accuracy to the classic art. I am really hoping Mondo continues their 200x 1:12 line into a more vinatge accurate line - cause that’d be awesome!
I thought the same thing but like the accessory lol and at this point I have them all (Cartoon Collection) so I’ll probably get him lol
@onlyoneskeletor You are certainly correct that Mattel has made some deep cut characters in Origins that weren't done before, but I think we were specifically talking about the Cartoon Collection. Until now, the only unique Filmation created character that's been announced to be getting a figure is Vultak, and he already got a figure in Classics. Personally I think they need to do a lot better in this regard than just pumping out the predictable heavy hitters. I want way more figures of characters who only ever appeared in the show that didn't have toys before.