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I think it just kind of feels like for those who are not collecting the turtles or cartoon Origins lines that the vintage line has just kind of been thrown to the back burner in lieu of these other lines.
Absolutely. I was really hoping for a Dragon Walker, Rio Blast and some other stuff from the vintage line I never owned previously... but I guess that ship has sailed.Â
I think we will get a Rio Blast eventually. That was teased in some art. The Dragon Walker I highly doubt.
@brasco I'd be down for a crowdfund. It just goes back to what I was saying about being in a nursing home by time they finish the vintage line. It's been over a year since we crowdfunded Eternia. It seemed successful to me. I don't get why Mondo can crank out big ticket items but Mattel is dragging with vintage. Can they try crowdfunding a couple per year? Nope. Their workforce is focusing on CC and ToG and spread thin and vintage you know, whatever, here's a sloppy half hearted Eternia's Choice vote that went nowhere.
When Origins started, I was really hoping that we would be getting a chance to get re-worked versions of the stuff many collectors never could get their hands on from the vintage line. I mean, they are doing Eternia, so kudos. I skipped it since I have zero idea where to put it (not necessary a lack of space, but just not willing to use so much of it for one item ;)).
Yet, first they are devoting quite a bit of production capacity to Sun Man & Co - which I gather was met with mostly lukewarm interest. Then they did a bunch of Snakemen and Snake variant figures, which again did very little for me. And now, just when we are getting to the interesting stuff, they are moving things to MC and basically focus on promoting a toy line by their competitors (MOTUTMNT) 😀 Seems a bit counter intuitive if you have one of the most iconic toy lines ever made in your stables... But alas, I suppose the sales numbers told a different story.
To me it just felt like they weren't focusing on the things that people were most looking forward to - but I guess some collectors already had everything ever released and were keen for new characters to add to their collection rather than seeing original characters re-released. And now, well, I guess 'it's dead Jim". I wonder how long Mattel is going to keep it afloat through MC.Â
But honestly, while I know this sounds a bit pessimistic - it really is a great toy line.Â
@lasastard Finally there is a reference I understand. I loved the original Star Trek TV series and Bones was my favorite character.
I agree with your assessment that "it's dead Jim". I have been predicting the end is near with Origins and the cartoon figures will see it off just like they did with the Classics. I say Origins won't have a retail presence next Christmas.
@lasastard they should have diversified the line earlier on with Snakemen and Horde along side the heroic warriors and Skeletor's forces. There's not much left to finish out the vintage line so I could see them getting it done in 18-24 months. And with the Cartoon Collection coming out along side Fan Favorites there's a lot of life left in the line.
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/8/2025
@smitty-81 Agreed on Mattel having missend an opportunity with the Horde, and possibly Snakemen (not a huge fan of some of the Heroic Warrior variants tho). Or let's say their focus wasn't necessarily on the right stuff?Â
Anyway, I suppose there is a good chance that we will indeed get more "core" vintage characters, but I have little to no hope that they will do any more vehicles, let alone POP and Horde characters. I was also hoping for a Fright Zone Origins set or *gasp* Preternia characters, but alas, probably not going to happen now.Â
I will disagree on the filmation figures being part of the line; to me they are separate. Different construction, and ultimately a different setting, starting from scratch again. I doubt they will go anywhere near as deep as Origins went, and in the end it is probably mostly due to Mattel hoping that releasing yet another He-man variant is going to drive sales up again. Understandable, certainly. - and very likely correct. But also a bit of a bummer. That is not to say that I haven't already bought Filmation He-man and Beastman 😉
@lasastard Axel teased that he's been working on He-Ro and Eldor, so more Preternia stuff is in the pipeline.
@durendal I think getting He-Ro is very likely sence they can use his upper body again for Plasmar.
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/8/2025
Some advice for everyone. Last night I got home from work just after 11 PM. My ToG Donatello had been in the mailbox all day, and it was cold and windy. After getting him opened I noticed his joint were really tight. After being in the house all night his joint are fine.
TL:DR- If you live in a colder part of the world and get figures mailed to you let them warm up before posing them.
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/8/2025
Mine too!
"If you feel safe in the area you’re working in, you’re not working in the right area. Always go a little further into the water than you feel you’re capable of being in. Go a little bit out of your depth. And when you don’t feel that your feet are quite touching the bottom, you’re just about in the right place to do something exciting."
Has anyone with early samples of Cartoon Collection Teela has tried that wonderful head on a Club Grayskull (Super 7) Teela body. I know the pegs are different, but I was just wondering if the size would be OK or if that cartoon accurate (the one that Classics could never deliver) would fit on that particular Teela version.
@man-at-work I would like to know how this looks too. That original head it came with fell short of the prototype.
Has anyone with early samples of Cartoon Collection Teela has tried that wonderful head on a Club Grayskull (Super 7) Teela body. I know the pegs are different, but I was just wondering if the size would be OK or if that cartoon accurate (the one that Classics could never deliver) would fit on that particular Teela version.
I have the Club Grayskull Teela figure. While her head has grown on me, I'll try to remember to do a head swap once I get my hands on the Cartoon Collection version and see how it looks. 🙂
We have the Power!
Hello guys! Sadly, this is the answer I got from youtuber MrAlanInTheWorldOfToys that made a video reviewing the Cartoon Collection Teela: "yes, I had take a look yesterday, the origins head is too small for the club grayskull one". Here's the link to the video (which doesn't show an explicit size comparison) if you want to watch it.Â
However, I'd still like to see comparison pictures. Damn! that new Teela head is so beautiful.Â
@caliban Sure he is! And he was kind enough to take the time to swap the heads and answer me, so I owe him 😉
So the CC supposed to be on retail shelves correct? When and has anyone seen them in the wild?
That massive wind raider troop transport from Revolution: I want that for my Origins! (would have loved to add a pic but could not find one).
After watching Revolution it looks like the Eternia playset we funded is missing a tower. lol
@brasco it's supposed to be out now, but after the wave 7 disaster and the post holiday dip it'll be a while. Your best bet is getting them online. With the way things have been the last few years online is the best way to go.
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/8/2025
- @smitty-81 I already have them from BBTS but I was going to buy extras if I found them out and aboutÂ