Three days ago we began revealing on our social media pages the Masterverse 2.0 front packaging for assumingly three out of the four Wave 12 basic core figures.
While normally we would wait for the entire packaging to be revealed including the bio and wave lineup to post an article about it, it appears Mattel won’t be officially revealing the back of the packaging for now. This is due to one of the core figures being a spoiler-filled character from “Masters of the Universe: Revolution” which is slated to debut this January 25th.
(The Snout Spout figure revealed at this year’s San Diego Comic-Con is an oversized figure, likely a higher priced deluxe figure and not expected to be part of a core wave.)

So while we wait for that final reveal, here is the front of the packaging for the Masterverse Revolution Battle Armor He-Man, New Eternia Tri-Klops and New Eternia Mekaneck.

What is also interesting to note is among the traditional studio shots released of these figures, we learned that the new upcoming New Eternia Mekaneck figure has an extremely versatile neck that can be used for multiple purposes including extending his mace and transforming that mace into a monocular! Check it out!

The twelfth wave of Masterverse is expected to begin hitting retailer shelves this January 2024. We’ll see you next time.
Is it true that Revolution will only have 5 episodes and not 10 like Revelation?
I think it was 6 episodes verified, also this figures looks nice.
I think it’s 5 episodes for Season 2 and 6 episodes for Season 3.
@asterstar Probably well I guess we will find out soon enough…
Ā Last I heard yes, but some say more. We will know in about a month.
He is a Revolution figure. That is the big secret that got out. š
@eternianbunny Yeah seems so, kinda gonna be weird to get used to Keldor and Skeletor not being the same but oh well.