We have a new unboxing video to show you!
This time join AJ as he unboxes and reviews the brand new WAVE 11 Skeletor “Skeletek” figure from the Masterverse Masters of the Universe: Revolution action figure line!
You can go directly to the video by CLICKING HERE! Or you can watch it embedded below!
We’ll see you next time!
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I was so worried the Havoc staff arm was going to be a solid piece, so relived it is articulated. I’m okay with the Darth Maul Baba Yaga robotic chicken feet. They are reminiscent of Screech’s feet when Motherboard was hiding in plain sight.
I’m thinking a little white model paint on the teeth and maybe a red dot or 3 around the edge of the sweeping hood and this figure will look dope.
@christophno I would really be excited to see it after you customize it. I do really appreciate the artwork in regards to Skeletek’s face, and if I saw that art in the figure, I would be over the moon. 🙂
On a personal note, I am a little bit bummed I found both the first Revelation Skeletor and the first Revolution Skeletor disappointing figures. Not loving this pattern with the series! 😕
Hey AJ, As soon as I get my hands on it I’ll customize and send a pic. I agree the first few rounds of Skeletor have been lacking. My Wave 1 Skeletor’s head falls off the second you try to pose him. That said, this Skeletek will hopefully work out with a little elbow grease.
Awesome! Thanks! Would love to see it!
The head popping off problem is a new one to me. Add that to the list! 😄