In the teaser trailer for “Masters of the Universe: Revolution”, fans were elated to see the most powerful man in the universe donning his most iconic armor set… rivaled only by He-Man’s Power Harness itself: The Battle Armor.
Debuting originally in 1984, the variant Battle Armor He-man vintage figure showcased a new armor set and action feature that could instantly reflect damage and be repaired at a moment’s notice. Some fans wondered why He-Man would need an armor set that can be so easily damaged (while the hero himself was so impenetrable), but the coolness factor of the Battle Armor’s aesthetic and action feature was too cool to ignore.

Although a fan favorite, over the past fourty years, Battle Armor He-man never appeared in animation before… that was until it made its historic debut in the teaser trailer of “Masters of the Universe: Revolution”.

The one thing we still did not know is how He-Man obtained the Battle Armor in “Masters of the Universe: Revolution” and who created it. But thanks to the package reveal of the Masterverse Revolution “Battle Armor He-Man” action figure, we now know the creator of this iconic armor courtesy of the figure’s bio!
Minor Spoiler Ahead:

“While without his Sword of Power, He-Man receives help from Andra, who creates the impressive Battle Armor for extra protection during combat.”
So now we know it was Andra, the new Man-at-Arms, that created this Battle Armor is this continuity.

Will Skeletor obtain a Power Armor set of his own, to also match his iconic vintage figure counterpart? It looks like we’ll have to wait until January 25th to find out. We’ll see you next time!
I’m not sure who builds it for him, but one of my guesses is that he needs this armor and enhanced weapons untill he can reclaim the Power Sword. Gwildor has the Sword come with him, this He-man doesn’t and I think I read on Gwildors box that he powered it up or something. So I feel there’s gonna be moments that He-man is swordless for a bit. Then there’s the Keldor bomb dropped on us. In the show how?? Does it have to do with the cosmic key? It the Keldor form how he escapes motherboard? I can’t wait to watch these.
@ravewayneboo bruh
it tells you who built it 😂
I did not read it lol. I was toking up just going off
But wasn’t it established somewhere that he uses the power sword to call upon his enhanced gear (battle armour, flying fists, thunder punch, laser power, etc)? Although that wouldn’t explain why in laser power form his sword looks completely different…
Yeah I have no idea what was already established on how the powers come. I was just throwing guesses out there