A few months ago we reported on a huge reveal that… according to a retail listing of an upcoming Masterverse action figure… an important character was going to be introduced in the “Masters of the Universe: Revolution” series (and potentially impact our perspectives on how the MOTU universe is currently set.)

If you don’t recall seeing this article on For Eternia it is totally understandable. That is because, approximately ten minutes later, we pulled down the article (after receiving some great advice) so we could avoid spoiling the series narrative for the fandom. You see… it turned out that while we were not aware of the scale at the time, it was a whopper of the spoiler.
Comparatively, you can perhaps look to when Mattel launched their corresponding “Masters of the Universe: Revelation” action figure line Masterverse in the Summer of 2021 and revealed the very shocking character of Skelegod months before the series aired. (Why Mattel didn’t wait to drop Skelegod in a later wave to avoid spoilers was beyond us.)

Well now it has happened again. So as this new major spoilerly filled Revolution action figure begins imminently landing in the hands of collectors and media influencers everywhere (some already have it now), we are going to hold off reporting and reviewing this particular figure until after January 25th.
It will be discussed in the corners of the internet we’re sure, and even in our community forums (beware of spoilers), but our goal is to keep this reveal off our main news page until the show has been released.
We pride ourselves in being a news hub for all things Masters of the Universe and that has previously included scoops and some spoilers. But this particular surprise seems to get progressively more important to the “Masters of the Universe: Revolution” series as more aspects have been revealed… so much so… that we do not want to ruin the experience for any fan. We hope you understand.
We’ll see you next time.
Classy move.
Very good decision! Wish all the sites did the same, kinda peeved that I know what the spoiler is thanks to another toy news site.
I like this. There are fans that don’t collect the figures and I don’t know of any news place other than here that they would go to. Why spoil it for them if you don’t have to.
Yup, that about sums it up.
Toy releases spoiling the story