After having a wonderful conversation with Masters of the Universe: Revelation‘s Executive Producer Ted Biaselli on the latest episode of the For Eternia Official Podcast (podcast streams can be found HERE), we decided to shine a spotlight on some of the great details he so graciously shared about the upcoming anticipated sequel “Masters of the Universe: Revolution“, in a new series of articles!
Now while none of these articles will be heavy with spoilers, they still are technically a little bit spoilerly, so please be aware if you don’t want to learn anything new about “Masters of the Universe: Revolution” (and want to be fully surprised!)
Masters of the Universe: Revolution Reveal #1 – Scare Glow is a Massive Collector and Displays his Collection!
In a previous article (found by CLICKING HERE) we surmised that the souls of Fisto and Clamp Champ will, at the very least, be saved from Subternia in “Masters of the Universe: Revolution”. That is because in a clip shown at the San Diego Comic-Con International 2023, it appeared like He-Man and his heroic warriors were fighting Scare Glow to get to the floating apparitions of Clamp Champ’s and Fisto’s weapons on either side of Scare Glow’s altar.

But in addition, there were definitely other objects in that Subternia chamber that made us curious. What were they and why were they there?

Well, just like many Masters of the Universe fans are with their figures, speaking with Teddy Biaselli, we learned that in “Masters of the Universe: Revolution” Scare Glow is a massive collector too and likes to display his collection! We knew he liked relics, but not to this extent!
Here is what Teddy had to say:
“I think people have, they have already caught that in Scare Glow’s, in the scene that we showed at Comic-Con, there is behind him, there is all these little shelves? Well I love the idea of Scare Glow’s reliquary, right? That was an idea that came out of Classics (figures) when he had that – little reliquely with the key to Grayskull.

“I love that. That was a really cool little – detail that I just thought was great. And when we were building on Scare Glow, when we were building on that idea that, he was a collector. And it wasn’t just souls that he collected but he collected these arcane artifacts that that had so much, you know, lore in arcana, in the world. And when we got the opportunity to show the interior of his reliquary in Revolution, we – went – to – town!’
Ted Biaselli on the For Eternia Official Podcast
You can watch Teddy talk about it on YouTube by CLICKING HERE:

So what precisely are all these items displayed in Scare Glow’s massive collection? Fans will have to watch “Masters of the Universe: Revolution” to find out!
Stay tuned for Part #2! We’ll see you next time!
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