After having a wonderful conversation with Masters of the Universe: Revelation‘s Executive Producer Ted Biaselli on the latest episode of the For Eternia Official Podcast (podcast streams can be found HERE), we decided to shine a spotlight on some of the great details he so graciously shared about the upcoming anticipated sequel “Masters of the Universe: Revolution“, in a new series of articles!
Now while none of these articles will be heavy with spoilers, they still are technically a little bit spoilerly, so please be aware if you don’t want to learn anything new about “Masters of the Universe: Revolution” (and want to be fully surprised!)
Masters of the Universe: Revolution Reveal #2 – Mer-Man will not appear in Revolution

It was a devastating blow when actor Kevin Conroy passed away last year at age 66 (reported HERE). Widely known for his iconic portrayal of Batman in animation and video games, this beloved person (who also portrayed Mer-Man in “Masters of the Universe: Revelation”) touched so many lives with his talent, warmth and kindness.

Considering Kevin Conroy passed away after the voice acting was recorded for “Masters of the Universe: Revolution”, the question remained did Kevin participate in the sequel series, leaving one more role for fans to celebrate and cherish posthumously. Tenderly, Teddy Biaselli indicated it was not the case.
“He didn’t and it wasn’t for lack of of wanting or lack of desire. It’s just this story didn’t need a Mer-Man moment. This is really a smaller story. It is He-Man, it is Skeletor, it is Hordac, you know, Motherboard, Teela, Evil-Lyn but it’s like, that’s the story.”
Ted Biaselli on the For Eternia Official Podcast
Teddy continued to warmly recollect his memories of the late Kevin Conroy, which we recommend listening to and watching HERE.
Stay tuned for Part #3. We’ll see you next time.
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AJ it seems Mattel patented a bunch of Pop names and Despara along with Scorpia and others, also the interview was great! Speaking off if there is another before Revolution you should ask “Will Catra, Despara, Octavia or Scorpia appear?" that seems like a safe question.
@catra Thanks for the ‘heads up’! I did see those trademarks on the Motherboard packaging yesterday. I have been teetering if I should do a quick article to add some context.
I am so glad you enjoyed the interview! Thanks! I didn’t think of asking about Catra, Despara, Octavia or Scorpia because I know he/they can’t use She-Ra, and I am pretty positive those characters are over at Dreamworks associated with her sadly.
@admin Yeah I really wanna know if those are off limits for em, if not it is probably only the male Horde members originally sold as MOTU brand instead of POP brand is usable…
@catra That’s definitely what I think it is. But I’ll still try to remember to ask someone next time. 🙂
So evil-lyn is coming back, interesting.
@trapperjaw I wonder if Lynnie will be a heroic warrior now.