Our Fifteenth Episode of the Official Podcast for ForEternia.com titled “Quest for He-Man ” has hit the airwaves!
Join us in our latest episode of the FOR ETERNIA Official Podcast where AJ and guest Teddy Biaselli discuss Masters of the Universe: Revolution (including Hordak, Gwildor and the San Diego Comi Con 2023 roundtable discussion and presentation), Animation versus Live Action, Dragon’s Lair, the rumored Stern MOTU Pinball machine, “He-Man and the Masters of the Universe” Filmation series, She-Ra, voice acting, action figures and more!
So please join us for this very fun discussion!
Click HERE to Listen or Click HERE to Download Episode 015 right now on Podbean, and we are also available on many other platforms including the services below:
Or you can Watch this latest episode directly on YouTube by CLICKING HERE, or just by watching below:
We’ll see you next time!
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40 years ago Adam uttered those fabulous words turning into He-Man and though him. we had the power. like a bright star it shone bright and then faded away.
Even after all that time Ted never let that power fade from him.
Unlike that wimp Frodo who couldn’t carry a ring of power for a few weeks? months? . Ted held onto that power for DECADES . and still like Adam Ted didn’t let the power go to his head. Instead Like He-Man He faithfully Returned the power to where it belongs to He-Man and US.
Ushering in a new era for Those fabulous words to mean something again. for us old fans and New.
Thank you to Ted, and his fearless friends
Kevin Smith
Rob David
Chris Wood
Mark Hamill
Sarah Michelle Gellar
Liam Cunningham
Lena Headey
Bear Mcreary
YOu have the power!
Cool post! ✊️
Great passionate post @kewnst ! Love it! 👏
Thank YOU.
Are you really him?
@talonfighter Yes that IS him! 😀
@animateted Thank you for the masterpiece you have given us!
Thank You too. much respect.
Thank you so much for having Teddy on AJ!! Teddy is such a cutie!!!!! 💜💙💚💛🧡❤️
Thanks for asking about She-Ra AJ. Hearing Netflix passed on the live show before Amazon was shocking. It sounds like Amazon eventually ditched the show too for Medusa. The more things change the more they stay the same.
Happy to buddy! And thanks for the thanks!
Hopefully She-Ra isn’t dead over at Amazon. The struggle to get the live-action Masters of the Universe film made has been disappointing as it is. I would hate for fans to have to add She-Ra to that mix. 😔