Welcome to “Battle For Eternia”, a Masters of the Universe podcast where past meets present, where vintage clashes with contemporary, where we discuss MOTU topics in the context of both historical and modern day. In today’s premier episode, Adam from Battle Ram Blog and AJ from For Eternia discuss the origins of their fandom and […]
Our 36th Episode of the Official Podcast for ForEternia.com titled “The Bitter Rose” has hit the airwaves. Join us in our latest episode of the FOR ETERNIA Official Podcast where AJ and Christine Vergara discuss the life of her late father, Filmation and Disney Renaissance Era animator Mike Toth (Fat Albert, He-Man, She-Ra, Beauty and […]
Our 35th Episode of the Official Podcast for ForEternia.com titled “”A YEAR IN REVIEW” has hit the airwaves! As another year comes to a close, join AJ and TEDDY in the latest episode of the FOR ETERNIA Official Podcast where they look back at the events of 2024 involving Masters of the Universe and discuss […]
Our 34th Episode of the Official Podcast for ForEternia.com titled “HE-LANG 101: Learning the language of Kudu-Kesh” has hit the airwaves! We also have debuted a brand new webpage dedicated to the study of HE-LANG! Check it out here: ForEternia.com/He-Lang But first join us in our latest episode of the FOR ETERNIA Official Podcast where […]
Our 31st Episode of the Official Podcast for ForEternia.com has hit the airwaves! In tonight’s show, AJ makes a special dedication to a very special fan, and discusses how he lost his vintage Masters of the Universe toy collection 25 years ago. Click HERE to Listen or Click HERE to Download Episode 31 right now on Podbean, and we are also […]
Our 30th Episode of the Official Podcast for ForEternia.com has hit the airwaves! In tonight’s show AJ discusses a post made in the For Eternia community forums, holds a seance to speak with his late grandfather, and previews all the Masters of the Universe events planned at this year’s San Diego International Comic-Con (SDCC 2024). […]
Our Twenty-Ninth Episode of the Official Podcast for ForEternia.com titled “The Fate of Eternia Depends On It” has hit the airwaves! Join us in our latest episode of the FOR ETERNIA Official Podcast where AJ and guest SHANE MINSHEW (Partner and Head of Production of Powerhouse Animation Studios and the Supervising Producer of “Masters of […]
Our 28th Episode of the Official Podcast for ForEternia.com has hit the airwaves! In tonight’s show AJ reads an e-mail from a listener, counts down his Top-5 toys that got away, discusses the rumors about She-Ra is coming to the Masters of the Universe: Origins “Cartoon Collection” action figure line, gets into some Masters of […]
Our 27th Episode of the Official Podcast for ForEternia.com has hit the airwaves! In tonight’s show AJ discusses the latest interview with actor Nicholas Galitzine (the latest actor to be cast as Prince Adam & He-Man in the new “Masters of the Universe” live-action film in development at Amazon MGM and Mattel Films), gives his […]
FOR ETERNIA LATE NIGHT! Adults make Toy History, the Top-5 Most Valuable Masterverse Figures & More!
Our 26th Episode of the Official Podcast for ForEternia.com has hit the airwaves! In tonight’s show, AJ remarks how it is the first time in history Adults purchased more toys for themselves than for any other age group, he counts down the Top-Five most valuable Masterverse action figures to date, celebrates Father’s Day and more! […]
Our Twenty-fourth Episode of the Official Podcast for ForEternia.com titled “My Name is Skeletor” has hit the airwaves! Join us for our latest episode of the FOR ETERNIA Official Podcast where AJ and guests Ted Biaselli, Rob David and Tim Sheridan, writers of the new Dark Horse “Masters of the Universe: Revolution” prequel comic series, […]
Our 23rd Episode of the Official Podcast for ForEternia.com has hit the airwaves! Join AJ as he takes on some current MOTU events and discusses his thoughts! In tonight’s show he takes on the new “Masters of the Universe” live-action film in development at Amazon MGM and Mattel Films, his experience meeting William Shatner who […]
Our 22nd Episode of the Official Podcast for ForEternia.com has hit the airwaves! Join AJ and Jay (star of the Mega Jay Retro channel on YouTube) and Hatter (star of Mad Hatter Reviews on YouTube) as they have a fun and open conversation that goes wherever the night takes them. In tonight’s show they discuss […]
Our 21st Episode of the Official Podcast for ForEternia.com has hit the airwaves! Join AJ and John from Emerald Knight Photos on Instagram as they have a fun and open conversation that goes wherever the night takes them. In tonight’s show topics come up like the International Shipping Problems at Mattel Creations, a tasting of […]
Our Nineteenth Episode of the Official Podcast for ForEternia.com has hit the airwaves! Join AJ and Jay (star of the Mega Jay Retro channel on YouTube) as they have a fun and open conversation that goes wherever the night takes them! In tonight’s show topics come up like the closing of He-Man.org, the cancelation of […]
Our Eighteenth Episode of the Official Podcast for ForEternia.com titled “Reborn ” has hit the airwaves! Join us in our latest episode of the FOR ETERNIA Official Podcast where AJ and guest Griffin Newman discuss his podcast, action figures, how he won the role of Orko in “Masters of the Universe: Revelation”, the new Netflix […]
Our Sixteenth Episode of the Official Podcast for ForEternia.com titled “The Forging of the Forge” has hit the airwaves! Join us for our latest episode of the FOR ETERNIA Official Podcast where AJ and writer Tim Seeley discuss his new Revelation and Revolution prequel Dark Horse comic series Masters of the Universe: Forge of Destiny […]
After having a wonderful conversation with Masters of the Universe: Revelation‘s Executive Producer Ted Biaselli on the latest episode of the For Eternia Official Podcast (podcast streams can be found HERE), we decided to shine a spotlight on some of the great details he so graciously shared about the upcoming anticipated sequel “Masters of the […]
Our Fifteenth Episode of the Official Podcast for ForEternia.com titled “Quest for He-Man ” has hit the airwaves! Join us in our latest episode of the FOR ETERNIA Official Podcast where AJ and guest Teddy Biaselli discuss Masters of the Universe: Revolution (including Hordak, Gwildor and the San Diego Comi Con 2023 roundtable discussion and […]