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The first five pages from the premiere issue of the upcoming Dark Horse anthology comic series titled "MASTERVERSE" is now online, courtesy of (They also wrote a positive review!) Now while it does not spoil the entire issue, it does contain some spoilers, so please keep that in mind if you plan to proceed.…
We have the Power!
I was waiting to see a preview of the art before I added it to my pull list at my LCS. Will definitely grab that 1st issue!
There is no question Dark Horse knows MOTU. I've been waiting on this series since the first announcement and have my local comic book store pulling all three covers for each issue.
Just one more day and then we can get our comics, guys! This will be a late Valentine's Day gift to myself. 😅 lol
Just one more day and then we can get our comics, guys! This will be a late Valentine's Day gift to myself. 😅 lol
We have the Power!
@eternianbunny I love the concept of this new mini-series! 😊 The MOTU multiverse!
I wonder if this new comic will be similar to 'Master of the Universes' from the 2010's DC He-Man comics.
Have you ever read those Bunny? The comics that ran from 2012 to 2020?
I read the first issue and I liked the wraparound and the first story. The art for both of those was great and I especially loved the horror style story of the first story. Would happily devour a whole comic book mini series of that. However despite getting the inspiration for the second story I just make myself enjoy the story or the art. It didn’t put me off though and shall carry on with series.