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Image/MV Creations

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Royal Guard
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Does anyone know of a check list for the Image/MV Creations stuff that was put out in the early 2000s.  I have purchased what I can find and even been able to get my hands on a couple of the 500 variants but I can't find a complete list of what they made.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  If anyone is interested in their works, I've picked up a lot of duplicates trying to complete the sets... let me know if you are looking for any specific issues and I may be able to help you out.  

𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐚 • 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐲
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Aw mah Gawd! 😭 You have no idea how thrilled I was to see a thread on MVC's 200x comics Sshook27! Those were my childhood He-Man comics! ❤️

I've made a list for you :3

It's all of the MVC MOTU comics! All of the various variant covers and the promotional issues/supplementary material too! (There is quite a few, so I have to split them in to multiple posts 😅 but we go)



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  • The comics released under "Image Comics"

    Masters of the Universe (Volume 1, 2002)

    "The Shard of Darkness" Arc

    1. Issue 1

     • Emilio Santalucia Variant A


     • Tim Townsend/J. Scott Cambell
        Variant B
   • Earl Normen Varient C
         AKA "The Premium Cover"
"The Shards of Darkness" issue 2
• Variant A by Emilio Santalucia/Marco Faila
•Variant B by Francis Manapul/Joe Wheems

"The Shards of Darkness" Issue 3
Variant A is a double-sided cover, the front is Evil-Lyn by Emilio Santalucia/Marco Faila
and the back is Skeletor by Matt Tyree/Norm Rapmund
Variant B by Brett Booth/Joe Wheems
"The Shards of Darkness" Issue 4
This is Variant A, double-sided cover.
The front is He-Man by Emilio Santalucia/Marco Faila and the back is Skeletor by Tone Rodriguez/Julio Nar
This is Variant B by Keron Grant and Pierre-Andre Dery
Here are the promotional editions of Issue 1 🙂
Just in case you would like to add these to your collection.
This is a 16 page Promo Comic, comprising of a 4 page sample/sneak peak of issue 1.
The rest is character profiles on 11 different characters.
It was an exclusive of Wizard World Chicago and San Diego Comic-Con.
This is the "Museum Edition" of Issue 1 from Jay Company Comics.
As you can see from the pic, only 25 were ever printed and each copy had a different character/graphic on the cover.
Pretty cool if you have $500 to spare. 😅
Here is another preview edition, it was released by "Dynamic Forces",
not much to look at, I know but a little more reasonable at just under $100.
This was a screenshot i took from Amazon today, so it's still available but there's only 2 copies left.
Superpatriot #4, another series from Image has a five-page preview of issue #1.
This perhaps isn't the most essential one to collect but well....if you wanted to be a completionist :3
It's here lol

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The comics released under "Image Comics"

Masters of the Universe (Volume 2, 2003)

Issue 1

Variant A by Emilio Santalucia/Enza Fontana

Variant B AKA the "Graham Crackers" exclusive
by Tim Townsend/Cully Hamner
Issue 2
Variant A, double-sided cover
Front is Man-At-Arms by Emilio Santalucia
Back is Teela by Nathan Baertsch
Variant Cover B by JJ Kirby/Joel Benjamin
Issue 3
Variant Cover A, Both sides were drawn Emilio Santalucia. The front is Stratos and the back is Beastman 
Variant Cover B (❤️ this cover!)
Drawn by Tommy Lee Edwards
Issue 4
Variant A, Double-sided.
On the front, The Sorceress by Emilio Santalucia and the back is Stratos by Leanne Shaw/Tony Washington 
Variant B by Boris Vallejo and Julie Bell
Issue 5
This is the ONLY cover made for this issue (but that's okay because it's so gosh darn cool, pardon my French)
Oh....and it's also double-sided, Trap-Jaw is on the other side.
I'm not sure the artist's name but again, that's okay because it's the only cover for issue 5 anyway, so it's easy to find even without the name.
Issue 6
<span;>Again, only one cover exists for Vol. 2, issue 6. No other variants, just this double-sided cover with Duncan looking cold asf with Ram-Man looking equally badass on the back! lol

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The comics released under "Image Comics"

Masters of the Universe Presents..."The Icons of Evil" 4-part ministries, taking place BEFORE the events of Vol. 1 Issue 1. These are 4 one-shots, each one focusing on a different one of the Dark Masters and their origins.

They only made ONE cover for each issue.

Issue 1 "Beastman" 

(This was also the FINAL issue released under Image)


Issue 2 "Mer-Man"
(This issue was released by "Cross Gen Comics/CGC")
Issue 3 "Tri-Klops" from CGC Comics
Issue 4 "Trap-Jaw" from CGC Comics

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My battery is about to die/I have to go to bed 😅

But I do have MOAR to show you, trust me!

I'll be back later to add more pics/info to this thread. :3

Royal Guard
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This is absolutely amazing of you!  I really appreciate it, are these all from your collection?  

𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐚 • 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐲
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@sshook27 awwww thank u so much. 😊 

Sad to say that these aren't mine 🥲 just ventured around the web to get these pics. 😅

I wanted to provide you with the pics of the covers AS WELL as the artist's names and any additional info because this will make them much easier for you to seek them out for the collection.

Okay, so on with the rest!

𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐚 • 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐲
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From  "Cross Gen Comics/CGC" 

Masters of the Universe : Rise of the Snake-Men      3-Part Miniseries 

Issue 1

Variant A by Jonboy Meyers/Tony Washington 


Variant B by Nathan Baertsch, a "He-Man.Org" exclusive cover 

Issue 2
No other variants for this issue, this here is the only cover this issue 
Issue 3
Here is the Issue 3/3 of "Rise of the Snake-Men"
Once again, there are no other covers besides this.
So this one is all you need.

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These comics were released by "MV CREATIONS"

Masters of the Universe (Volume 3, 2004)

Issue 1

Variant Cover A
Emilio Santalucia/Jeremy Roberts


Variant Cover B, another "He-Man.Org"

by Nathan Baertsch 
Variant C, an "Incentive Cover"
drawn by Frank Quietly 
Variant D, this is called the "Convention Gatefold" cover, with art by Emilio Santalucia, Enza Fontana, Nathan Baertsch 
Issue 2
Variant A, Enza Fontana and Jeremy Roberts
Variant B, another "Incentive Cover" by Brett Booth
Issue 3
Variant A, by Emilio Santalucia and Jeremy Roberts
Variant B, "Incentive Cover" by Sam Liu and Jeremy Roberts
Issue 4
This is the only cover, no variants to look for (phew😅)
Issue 5
Variant Cover A by Enza Fontana and Jeremy Roberts 
Variant Cover B, a "He-Man.Org" exclusive by Tim Seeley and Jeremy Roberts 
Issue 6
Variant A, Emilio Santalucia/Jeremy Roberts
Variant Cover B, "He-Man.Org" exclusive
By Andy Smith, Jay Leisten, Jason Keith
Issue 7
Variant Cover A,  Leanne Shaw Hannah and Jeremy Roberts

Variant Cover B, "He-Man.Org Exclusive"
Eamon O'Donoghue/Jeremy Roberts
(Randor and Marleena 👑)
Issue 8 - the last issue of Volume 3
Variant A (Orko~! 🥰)
by Jeremy Roberts and Mike O'Hare
Variant B, another "Graham Crackers Exclusive" cover AKA "The Faker Realm" wraparound cover
by Jimmy Hayes, Randy Green, Rick Ketcham
Variant C, this is another "He-Man.Org Exclusive"
by Nathan Baertsch 

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"Masters of the Universe Encyclopedia : Season One (2003)" from Cross Gen Comics

This another cool thing Published by Cross Gen Comics.
It's not really a comic, though. x)
It's actually the first issue of a planned MOTU 200x lore encyclopedia, which was to be released in 5 parts but was unfortunately cancelled when the partnership between CGC and MVC ended. So this is the ONLY issue that ever came out.
The encyclopedia was supposed to be a comprehensive guide to the 200x cartoon, ALL of the Image/CGC/MVC comics and the Mattel mini-comics.
(Because they are all connected and part of the same big 200x continuity/canon.)

Here is the cover of issue 1

The idea was each cover, when put together, would form an epic mural,
like this one, this is would it WOULD have looked like :
"Dream Halloween 2002/CAAF - Hope" one-shot comic
This is a 12 page one-shot, it is an original story called "Hope"
It was written and drawn for the charity "CAAF" (Children Affected by Aids Foundation), it was distributed by Dream Halloween in 2002 and sold exclusively through MVC's webstore in partnership with Dream Halloween.
Here is the cover 
"Dream Halloween 2003/CAAF - Power or Fear" comic
In 2003, MVC partnered with Dream Halloween once again and released another original comic for CAAF.
The story is "The Power of Fear" and it is the only appearances of Scare-Glow in the entire 200x canon.
In addition to this new story, this comic also reprints the "Hope" story from the other comic.
Here is the cover

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"Episode 40 'Captured' comic - Best Buy exclusive bonus comic packaged with BCI's Masters of the Universe vol. 3 DVD

This comic here is a comic adaption of the unproduced episode 40 of the 200x cartoon.
It was never for sale separately, instead it was released with special editions of the 200x cartoon vol. 3 DVD. It was also only available at Best Buy.


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"The Target 'Two-Pack' minicomic"

This comic was released exclusively with Mattel's 200x He-Man and Skeletor action figure two-pack.
It is original tale, designed to introduce kids to He-Man and Skeletor (although it is not an origin story)


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"Masters of the Universe : The Battle Begins - Power of Grayskull GBA Video Game Exclusive Minicomic"

and finally, this is last comic. 

It is a minicomic that was packaged with the Power of Grayskull GBA game. It is also an original story that serves as a prelude setting up the events of the game (thus making the game's plot canon to the REST of the 200x lore)

The comic story doesn't actually have a conclusion because the comic story takes place right before the first level of the game.

Here is what it looks like :



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