Our Twenty-fourth Episode of the Official Podcast for ForEternia.com titled “My Name is Skeletor” has hit the airwaves!

Join us for our latest episode of the FOR ETERNIA Official Podcast where AJ and guests Ted Biaselli, Rob David and Tim Sheridan, writers of the new Dark Horse “Masters of the Universe: Revolution” prequel comic series, discuss the genesis of the comics, its premiere issue (out today), the Netflix / Mattel animated series Revelation & Revolution and more!
So please join us for this very fun discussion!
Click HERE to Listen or Click HERE to Download Episode 024 right now through Podbean, and we are also available on many other platforms including the services below:
Or you can Watch this latest episode directly on YouTube by CLICKING HERE, or just by watching below:
We’ll see you next time!
I just bought the digital comic and will listen to this during my rest break!
Excellent podcast mate. It turned out to be very helpful in regards to the creation of the universe. It is essential to know this is a Havoc priest’s take on creationism that puts the most favourable light on Havoc in its telling. The comic itself should have been clearer.
I agree! It is helpful to know that this creation origin is skewed to present Havoc in a savior light. Zoar and Ka were not necessarily the first gods, nor Havoc necessarily appeared to save reality by stopping their quarreling. Unfortunately however, unless this is spelled out in a future issue, this telling may be taken literally!
Great podcast! I think she is definitely Shadow Weaver based on their reaction. They were squirming. 😂 I love this community so much. Even the creators are nice. MOTUFAN4EVER
I didn’t mean to make anyone squirm, but I guess the awkward silence does indeed serve as an answer to the question.😀
Yay! It’s finally here. I paused the podcast and I am on my way to buy the comic finally. I called ahead to make sure they were holding one for me. They had both covers but I picked the regular one. I can’t wait. 😊
same; as if there was really a choice. Hordak is looking so cool on the main cover. Especially after hearing the creators’ endorsement of the artist. He did an amazing job with the character. Not a single panel looked “off". I thought he did an amazing job with this character.
I agree Heather! The art was wonderful. Hordak was wonderful. I’ve seen a few people complain about the art but after reading it myself I think it’s perfect.
Did you catch Hordak talking about the heir staying unborn? It sounds like instead of kidnapping the twins his original plan was to kill Marlena. 😲
Excellent. This will play during my weekend chores.
Was any new information discussed?
they talk about the third series around 45 minutes in
Nothing is locked in if the producers are still telling us in May to keep watching Revolution and tell a friend to watch it. Viewership must have been meh.
@caliban What you are saying makes sense but I still hope it did well enough that Netflix says yes one more time. I would be so sad if it ends here. 😞
@admin finally my thoughts on issue 1 (sorry, long post incoming. fangirling imminent)
i was thoroughly awestruck for the first 7 pages of issue 1, what a way for a comic to start ! the opening scene establishes the three deities significance to the balance of fate in the universe and just like zoar and ka respectively, the duo of daniel hdr and keith champagne reveal their own powers to the reader by way of hdr’s inspired five panel establishing shot and chapagne’s sublime and bold inks. then as ha’vok is introduced to the readers on pages 2 and 3, brad simpson enters the fray to breath a flurry of chaotic colors into the comic.
the team of hdr, champagne and simpson had to give us two, count ’em TWO entire pages for the succceding battle scene of the horde warring against the armed forces of anwat gar. any less and us readers just would not get to fully take in the combined talents of our artists. 35 characters can be seen in this spectacular two page splash (or should i say 36? should modulok be accounted for twice for each head? lol)
and each and every character is given something to do. every where you look, you see a character running, or flying…..or getting blasted off their feet ! there is no shortage of dynamic poses on display and no expenses spared on expressions. in particular, i liked the designs of cousins taragella and succubug (she’s adorable :3 and dragstor’s scathing “stop sucking up, succubug" met with with a boot into a nearby anwat gar military tank really had me cracking up! this issue on the whole was rather light on the light moments (and it only makes total sense too, in an actual battle, there isn’t much time for jokes but this moment, man! xD lol)
the SISTERS OF FORTUNE have officially arrived in the REV continuity ! which means that shadow weaver exists in this universe (i’mma go out on a lim here and assume it’s the one who handed old horde head the ha’vok staff !much to the protest of the other two)
the fright zone scenes were great! the fright zone in and of itself isn’t very scary but colorist brad’s mix of somber green lighting and eerie purple tones for the sisterhood’s cloaks, the caverns and the well set a scene that was simply sinister – bravo again to brad !
(in particular, i did really appreciated the use of the color purple as a motif for the shadow weavers as (to me, at least) this evokes images of a certain skull faced warlock with a passion for purple garments. i like to think that the shadow weavers intentionally lit themselves
and the caverns in this manner as a way nonverbally hinting to hordak how keldor will come to look in the not-too-distant future.
cute lil keldor ! 🤗 i have been missing him since revolution !
the foreshadowing in the dialogue between keldor and his mom was a neat touch. when she told him that “our elders can only take us so far, in the end we must exceed them….it’s how we grow.
is that dialogue a little on the nose ? prehaps. (or maybe it only feels on the nose because we’ve all seen revolution and we all know what’s going to happen) but i like this dialogue and i think it was a necessary inclusion because it’s important to us, as readers, that we see WHERE the seeds were first planted that grew into keldor’s confidence and what inspired him to revolt against hordak.
also, shout out to that scene in the tree, where the apples fall on keldor’s head….that was a pure prince adam moment (like uncle, like nephew 😋 lol)
honestly, i can’t say there’s a thing i’d want change about this issue. it was everything i could ask for in an issue 1 and more – 3.99 WELL spent
(well, more like 8 bucks spent for this girlie as she had to buy BOTH variant covers ! hee hee)
but if there is ONE thing that i would change about this issue (and this is by no means a gripe, simply a suggestion) i wish that the process of divination was explained a little more clearly.
here’s what i mean, the sisterhood state to hordak that “destiny lives in flux… until the moment it’s observed. once it is foretold, [that] path is set."
so what i want to know is; if one’s fate is not initially set out in a certain path, rather it’s actually “an infinite number of roads before you" (as the sisters also state) then how do the sisters know WHICH path exactly to tell hordak about?
like, there is an infinite number of outcomes but only ONE is the MOST essential/benifitial to you ? is that how it works ?
did the sisters only tell hordak of the future in which he accomplishes all he ever dreamt of and desired ? the future in which he is the best, most powerful version of himself ?
y’know, like how in an RPG game, where there is multiple endings and the player only sees a certain one, depending on how well or poorly they play the game. as in, “do all of this stuff in this order and meet these people and find these items and you will get the BEST ending."
i have a personal headcannon that the shadow weavers (of the REV continuity specifically) are not actually clairvoyant at all. in essence, the sisterhood didn’t really “show hordak his future" as such, it’s more like they gave him a relatively clear, beat-for-beat instructional of what he needs to do in order to acheive his goal. so they really just gave hordak advice is all, kinda like those “fortune teller/tarot card reader ladies" you would encounter on the pier during summertime or at the county fair.
now, i am not saying the shadow weavers are not legit magic users. they CAN certainly really use magic (as evidenced by the summoning of the havok staff out the well and the fact they were able to show hordak visions in the well) but remember, they didn’t actually show him a future of any kind. what they actually showed him was the past and not even his, it was keldor’s past.
that’s just my own personal theory anyway, hordak did have very little to none experience with sorcery before recruiting keldor. meaning he’d be pretty darn easy susceptible to a witch’s trickary as he doesn’t understand magic. this hordak is the type of guy to be dumbfounded and astounded by the old finger and thumb parlor trick ! haha !
@adoralovely So I gather what we are supposed to believe is fate has a will of its own. The weavers explain (if we are to believe them) that they are ministers to the will of fate. Fate’s will. Hordak has an infinite number of roads, but once a road is plucked out, the other roads disappear. My guess is, if a pool of fish represents multiple roads, multiple fates, and fate has will…. it’s less plucking one fish out of the pool and more putting your hand into the pool until one of the fishes swim to that hand. Now why that specific fish? Only fate could explain. 🙂