Dark Horse Comics ”Masters of the Universe: Revolution” Issue #3 is out today

It is new comic book day! And today, the epic tale behind Keldor’s newly formed unholy alliance with Hordak continues in the third issue of the comic prequel limited series to the “Masters of the Universe: Revolution” Netflix animated show! With writing by Tim Sheridan, Rob David and Ted Biaselli with art by Daniel HDR (and two variant covers to choose from), Issue #3 […]

Five Page Preview of Dark Horse Comics ”Masters of the Universe: Revolution” Issue #3 is Released

The first five pages from the upcoming third issue of the Dark Horse Comics “Masters of the Universe: Revolution” prequel series is now online, courtesy of Flickering Myth. Written by Tim Sheridan, Rob David and Ted Biaselli with art by Daniel HDR, while this preview does not spoil the entire issue, it does contain some spoilers, so please keep that in mind […]

New Promotional Pics revealed for the Masterverse ”Masters of the Universe: Revolution ” (SNAKE) SORCERESS TEELA figure

The time is almost here when the Masterverse “Masters of the Universe: Revolution ” (Snake) SORCERESS TEELA Wave 14 action figure is finally available for preorder. And now we have some additional promotional pictures share! Check these out: The Masterverse “Masters of the Universe: Revolution” Sorceress Teela Wave 14 action figure is expected to open for preorders […]

New Masterverse ”Masters of the Universe: Revolution” MAN-OF-WAR promotional pics reveal a transparent Visor

It won’t be long now until the Masterverse “Masters of the Universe: Revolution” Man-Of-War Wave 14 action figure is available for preorder, and now we have additional promotional pictures to look at. Check them out: Also with this better look, it appears that Man-Of-War’s red visor is made of transparent plastic, allowing collectors a see-through […]

Mattel TV will sneak peek ”WHAT’S NEXT” at SDCC 2024. Could the next season of MOTU Revelation & Revolution be announced?

For the past few years, fans have been able to count on Mattel to make a big splash at the San Diego International Comic-Con (SDCC) in regards to the Masters of the Universe brand. From thrilling toy reveals like the unveiling of a new Masters of the Universe: Origins Eternia playset… to casting announcements like […]

Talking Tattoos, Figures & Despara with MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE: REVELATION & REVOLUTION Supervising Producer SHANE MINSHEW

Our Twenty-Ninth Episode of the Official Podcast for ForEternia.com titled “The Fate of Eternia Depends On It” has hit the airwaves! Join us in our latest episode of the FOR ETERNIA Official Podcast where AJ and guest SHANE MINSHEW (Partner and Head of Production of Powerhouse Animation Studios and the Supervising Producer of “Masters of […]

Full Packaging revealed for the upcoming Wave 14 Masterverse ”Masters of the Universe: Revolution” (SNAKE) SORCERESS TEELA Figure

Mattel Packaging Designer Roy Juarez revealed the magnificent packaging for the Masterverse “Masters of the Universe: Revolution” (SNAKE) SORCERESS TEELA action figure today! With artwork by the extremely talented Simon Eckert, this packaging looks absolutely stunning. Check it out: Why Mattel dropped the “Snake” from this figure’s original announced name is anyone’s guess but the Masterverse “Masters of […]

Full Packaging revealed for the upcoming Wave 14 Masterverse ”Masters of the Universe: Revolution” MAN-OF-WAR Figure

Mattel Packaging Designer Roy Juarez revealed the magnificent packaging for the Masterverse “Masters of the Universe: Revolution” MAN-OF-WAR action figure today! With artwork by the extremely talented Simon Eckert, this packaging (as usual) looks absolutely fantastic. Check it out: The Masterverse “Masters of the Universe: Revolution” Man-Of-War Wave 14 action figure is expected to open for preorders at fan […]

FOR ETERNIA LATE NIGHT! She-Ra Cartoon Collection figures are coming? TOP-5 Toys that got away & More!

Our 28th Episode of the Official Podcast for ForEternia.com has hit the airwaves! In tonight’s show AJ reads an e-mail from a listener, counts down his Top-5 toys that got away, discusses the rumors about She-Ra is coming to the Masters of the Universe: Origins “Cartoon Collection” action figure line, gets into some Masters of […]

”The Art of Masters of the Universe: Revolution” Hardcover Book is now available for Pre-Order

We told you! After being the first to report this back in March 2023 (that article can be found HERE), Dark Horse Publishing has finally announced their new art book for the second animated series in the Masters of the Universe: Revelation continuity: The Art of Masters of the Universe: Revolution! Reportedly 192 pages in […]

”Masters of the Universe: Revolution” issue #2 Prequel Comic Art Proofs on sale from artist Daniel HDR

Last Wednesday, the second issue of the four issue limited “Masters of the Universe: Revolution” prequel comic series hit comic book shelves and digital platforms everywhere. And once again, the terrific artist of that series Daniel HDR is offering one-of-a-kind artist proofs of his comic artwork. As explained by Daniel HDR: “Artist’s Proofs (APs) are one-of-a-kind quality reproductions of published digital […]

MEDIA CHECKLIST: Catch up with the Comics & Shows in the ”Masters of the Universe: Revelation & Revolution” Continuity

Greetings Masters of the Universe: Revelation and Revolution fans! We updated our media checklist ✔️ to help you stay up-to-date with the events that took place in the Revelation/Revolution continuity (and determine if there is anything you missed.) We arranged the media in order of when these events occurred, so if you haven’t delved into […]

Five Page Preview of Dark Horse Comics ”Masters of the Universe: Revolution” Issue #2 is Released

The first five pages from the upcoming second issue of the Dark Horse Comics “Masters of the Universe: Revolution” prequel series is now online, courtesy of Flickering Myth. Written by Tim Sheridan, Rob David and Ted Biaselli with art by Daniel HDR, while this preview does not spoil the entire issue, it does contain some spoilers, so please keep that in mind […]

Masterverse ”Masters of the Universe: Revolution” MOTHERBOARD figure wins GDUSA American Package Design Award

The design team behind the packaging for 2023’s gorgeous Masterverse “Masters of the Universe: Revolution” Motherboard San Diego Comic-Con figure has won an award! That’s right. Mattel’s Packaging Designer & Art Director Roy Juarez has just announced that their packaging team over at Mattel, responsible for creating the glorious housing that contained “the holy sprocket“, […]

”Masters of the Universe: Revolution” Prequel Comic Art Proofs on sale from artist Daniel HDR

This past Wednesday, the premier issue of the four issue limited “Masters of the Universe: Revolution” prequel comic series hit comic book shelves and digital platforms everywhere. And now, the artist of that series Daniel HDR is offering one-of-a-kind artist proofs of his comic artwork. As explained by Daniel HDR: “Artist’s Proofs (APs) are one-of-a-kind […]

MY NAME IS SKELETOR! Writers Ted Biaselli, Rob David & Tim Sheridan discuss the ”Masters of the Universe: Revolution” Prequel Comics

Our Twenty-fourth Episode of the Official Podcast for ForEternia.com titled “My Name is Skeletor” has hit the airwaves! Join us for our latest episode of the FOR ETERNIA Official Podcast where AJ and guests Ted Biaselli, Rob David and Tim Sheridan, writers of the new Dark Horse “Masters of the Universe: Revolution” prequel comic series, […]

”Masters of the Universe: Revolution” Prequel Trade Paperback slated for January 14th, 2025

While fans only have to wait two more days until this Wednesday, May 15th when the premier issue of the prequel comic series “Masters of the Universe: Revolution” is released, the publisher Dark Horse has just revealed the release date for its trade paperback: January 15th, 2025! With a manufacturer suggested retail price of $19.99, […]

Five Page Preview of Dark Horse Comics ”Masters of the Universe: Revolution” Issue #1 is Released

The first five pages from the upcoming first issue of the Dark Horse Comics “Masters of the Universe: Revolution” prequel series is now online, courtesy of Geek Tyrant. Written by Tim Sheridan, Rob David and Ted Biaselli with art by Daniel HDR, while this preview does not spoil the entire issue, it does contain some spoilers, so please keep that in […]

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