It is new comic book day!
And today, the story behind Keldor’s newly formed unholy alliance with Hordak continues in the second issue of the comic prequel limited series to the “Masters of the Universe: Revolution” Netflix animated show!

With writing by Tim Sheridan, Rob David and Ted Biaselli with art by Daniel HDR (and two variant covers to choose from), Issue #2 promises to delve further into the evil warriors’ partnership that was kicked off in issue one.

SYNOPSIS: The official prequel to the Netflix series continues! Welcome to ZAL-KRON, where, for centuries, technology has thrived—and where, today, the Horde has lain siege! But when the tactics of Hordak’s Force Captain threaten to break their fledgling alliance, the evil master must devise a plan to ensure the undying loyalty of his brash young apprentice. If they’re not careful, the rising tug-of-war between these two powerful men could leave them open to the influence of a dangerous outside threat…
So what are you waiting for? You can pick up “Masters of the Universe: Revolution” Issue #2 at comic book and digital retailers everywhere today!
We’ll see you next time!
It needed a little more action but it was a solid issue. I would grade it a B.
It gets an A from me! 😺
@eternianbunny same sis ! c’mon…..this issue had MANTISAURS baby !! 😆
but poor grizzlor got told to shut up three times this issue (i noticed it happening so much that i started to count)
i was like “stop being mean to him" 😭
Loved the nods to MOTU Abril brazilian minicomic with Queen Zal. Was fortunate to help the team in the research. :)Also this issue gives me even more confidence that the one Seer is not Shadow Weaver 😉 (Despite the egregious screen rant article that very poorly made a case for their theory, yet stated it almost like a fact. Hint. They are wrong.)
@jukka Did you talk to one of the writers and found out she wasn’t Shadow Weaver? Is she Saryn? Whoever she is she is very good at manipulating Hordak and Keldor.
@jukka you’re the man, jukka ! ❤️
also, if you were curious about portuguese dialogue ;
queen zal (to hordak) : “you filthy slime ! i will escape and when i do, you will be dead !"
hordak (to keldor) : “if she uses her tongue again, remove it !"
i’m of brazilian decent (got family on my father’s side) and i speak a lil portuguese ‘though i’m not relly fluent lol
I picked up my comic today y’all and I can’t wait to read it. Once again I picked the comic with the regular cover and not the second one. The second covers are nice but the regular covers have been beautiful so far. Nothing compares to them!
I love the world building. Looking forward to where this story is going but already I feel like this should have been an episode proper of the show. I loved Revolution but it was rushed af. Needed to be at least 6, but with the story they were telling I think 8 episodes would have allowed the story to reach its full potential.
I believe the writers want us to think the sister is Shadow Weaver but I don’t think so. If going off Filmation canon around this time Shadow Weaver is training with Castasoella. But we’ll see!
@mrhootiedean I wish I could argue with you MrHootieDean. Revolution does feel a little rushed especially when you watch Revelation and Revolution in one sitting but cutting the episoses in half wasn’t a creative choice it was a Netflix choice. Kevin Smith said their algorithm decided it.
Now about that weaver honey I think they are ignoring the old shows now so I hope she is Shadow Weaver.
I took it that the same voice talking to both of them at the end is still Keldor’s mom; he is imagining himself by the same tree where we last saw him speaking to her in issue #1.
i loved this issue ! issue 2 had one of the most amazing opening sequences of any dark horse book thus far, by miles…..lightyears, i oughta say !
that opening narration, those shots of zal-kron, took me right back, 16 years back, to the den of my parent’s place, on the couch w/ my dad and brothers, watching star trek the original series on dvd.
bless y’alls nerdy hearts tim, ted and robbie ! you guys saw the perfect star trek reference and you guys took it ! so now we got william shatner as keldor in the animated series AND keldor as captain kirk in the comic book.
keldor’s adjusted to his new life in the evil horde, hasn’t he ? ya know, there he is, sitting back in the chair, looking comfortable yet authoritative. i just LOVE keldor’s body language in the few following panels. just something in the way keldor’s sitting, he’s just so subtly assertive, the spell dancing between keldor’s fingers as he gives modulok the side eye and calmly insults him. here, i think he is showing mody that he is a powerful magic user and can put modulok away with the (literal) snap of his fingers, so he’s lucky that keldor’s only destroying him with a side eye and searing insults. now THAT’S skeletor right there, just the way we like him !
and i just gotta say how much i like that there is two moduloks here. i don’t think that i have ever seen modulok do that before. see, i always thought mody was just one guy w/ two heads and a couple extra appendages to spare, so in the REV-verse, i guess he is more like two-bad ? it’s a cool spin on one of my favourite motu characters.
speaking of cool spins, gotta say what a head rush seeing keldor commanding lord hordak’s squad. ain’t it wild to think that before skeletor was up in snake mountain, bossing around beastman, tri-klops, tapjaw, evil-lynn et al that KELDOR was once in charge of mantenna, modulok, leech and “mr." grizzlor. (once keldor called him that, i started reading all of grizzlor’s lines in “mr sulu" george takai’s voice… his cgi show mer-man voice to be more exact.)
did grizzy get any spoken dialogue in the revolution series ? if not, then there is a certain star trek AND motu alum that i nominate to voice him in the future part three (y’all know who i’m talking about 😉
and when keldor said he was loving grizzlor’s “hustle" that took me out !! 🤣 not gonna lie
i wonder where keldor picked that up ? did the evil horde conquer the lower east side before coming to capture zal-kron ? lmao
there’s no rest for the wicked (literally!) as hordak’s been having bad dreams. i can dig the revelation (heh heh….) that in this canon, hordak and horde prime are brothers. harkens back to the continuity of masters of the universe : classics, in which they were also brothers. props to tim and team for keeping up the tradition of sampling some of the best elements from the 40 years history of motu media. the REV-verse is really coming together to be possibly the best ever version of motu so far.
something i believe is very interesting with the REV-verse is, not only the parallel between hordak and skeletor, but also the parallel that tim and team are drawing between horde prime and king randor. both hordak and keldor live in the shadow of their brothers, who are both powerful rulers. although whilst horde prime is the feared, iron-fisted tyrant, randor is noble, he’s steadfast and as his son adam once described him, “he’s a man of peace"
i have read all the mini-comics of motu : classics, as well as the bios for every character and i never once myself thought of a correlation between horde prime and king randor and i just thought that was GENIUS. i never ever drew that comparison myself. interestingly, whilst horde prime and randor are polar opposites of one another, it seems that hordak and keldor are very similar. (similar to each other, i mean. i agree that hordak is nothing like miro, as he himself said to keldor after their sparring session. he also told keldor that he’s nothing like horde prime) but they are similar to each other. evenly matched, so it’s no wonder how keldor eventually overthrew hordak and i cannot WAIT for the issue when we see that happen. i think as the series progresses, it will be interesting to see just in how many other ways that they are similar.
oh….and just so yall’s know….as the sister of three brothers, when the shadow weaver told hordak that his “entire world has been painted with the brush of his [brother’s] cruelty." well, lemme tell ya…..FELT THAT IN MY SOUL ! 😭
(i’m kidding…..a lil. lol) seriously, i adore my brothers and i know they love their sister just as much. just like hordak and horde prime, despite what may have transpired between them in their youths, HP still seems to love his baby bro. it was horde prime who was healing hordak at the end of revolution, after all.
plus, we all know what horde prime is did/is currently doing to that poor schmuck who dare to double-cross hordak. it’s like a “nobody messes with my baby brother….except me" type of thing.
and honestly, that is kinda cute…..ehhh, in am evil sorta way but still, they are cute i guess ! lol
also i had GOOSEBUMPS seeing the iconic flashback sequence from revolution recreated and expanded upon in this issue. ya know, hordak’s line “he who masters technology, masters the universe !"
this is why we love the dark horse comics, expanding on and exploring concepts introduced in the animated shows. having the context of keldor’s flashback, just makes that scene sooooo much more impactful and emotional now. thank you tim and the gang for another treasure of an issue.
can’t wait to gush all over issue 3 🤗
I hear the actor’s voice in those parts.