Mattel releases their eighth animated Masters of the Universe: Origins Minicomic titled ”Sucker Punch”

Mattel has transformed (with the power of Grayskull) their eighth Masters of the Universe minicomic from their Origins toyline into a motion comic! If you didn’t know, a motion comic is an animated comic that takes static comic art and combines it with animated elements, music, and sound effects. And the latest comic Mattel has adapted is […]

Promo Pictures revealed for the (apparent) WAVE 15 of the MASTERVERSE Action Figure line

We now have official promotional pictures for what appears to be the next wave of the Masterverse action figure line! Those figures are: MASTERVERSE WAVE 15 (unconfirmed as core wave) And now we have some promotional imagery to share! Check it out: New Eternia – Flying Fist He-Man New Eternia – Evil-Lyn New Eternia – […]

STILL DEAD? What becomes of Fisto and Clamp Champ in ”Masters of the Universe: Revolution”

SPOILERS AHEAD! (If you prefer to watch this on YouTube, CLICK HERE.) Back in 2021, Fisto and Clamp Champ fans across the world shrieked out in terror when watching their favorite Masters of the Universe heroic warriors die in Part Two of the Netflix Animated Series “Masters of the Universe: Revelation.” And if watching their favorite […]

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