Historic Mark Taylor “Masters of the Universe” Concept Art masterpieces are going up for Auction this May 9th

Some “Masters of the Universe” fans may have already heard that there will be several stunning “holy grail” pieces of original MOTU concept art going up for auction this May. Illustrated by the late, legendary Mark Taylor (whom is considered by many as the father of He-Man) and stunning illustrations in their own right, these […]

PRE-ORDER ALERT! New Masterverse “New Eternia” and Origins “Cartoon Collection” figures are now available for pre-order at fan channel retailers

It’s Pre-Order time! The latest waves of the Masters of the Universe Masterverse “New Eternia” figures… and Origins “Cartoon Collection” figures… are now available for Pre-Order at fan channel retailers! Here are some No Affiliation Links: We’ll see you next time!

Rare Mini Comic Variant SORCERESS and BEAST MAN Legends Maquette statues available for Pre-Order Now

Interested collectors may need to order fast! Tweeterhead has just launched pre-order pages for their new Sorceress and Beast Man “Mini Comic Variant ” Legends Maquette statues! Limited to only 100 and 75 pieces respectively, these rare statues can be ordered here: SORCERESS and here: BEAST MAN (no affiliation links). “This new Sorceress Maquette measures […]

BEAST WOMAN teased again in Masterverse ”New Eternia” Packaging Artwork! (Moss Man too!)

Back in June of 2022, Mattel and artist Nate Baertsch showed off his wonderful artwork for the Masterverse “New Eternia” Beast Man figure. While it was amazing artwork recreating an iconic scene with Beast Man, interestingly enough, it wasn’t his art of Beast Man that captured the hearts of fans, but rather his Beast Woman […]

NEW Masters of the Universe: MASTERVERSE Action Figures spotted at SDCC including a Panthor?

Preview Night is on its way at the San Diego International Comic-Con and we have some more exciting reveals to show you! Thanks to the awesome Masters of the Universe collector Mike a.k.a. Eternian Royalty on Instagram, he has taken pictures of new Masters of the Universe: Masterverse action figures on the way! And one off the pics […]

Full Packaging reveal for the new Masterverse ”Masters of the Universe” (1987) movie BEAST MAN figure

Mattel Packaging Designer Roy Juarez revealed the terrific packaging for the upcoming Masterverse “Masters of the Universe” (1987) Live-Action movie BEAST MAN figure today! With artwork by the very talented Eamon O’Donoghue, the packaging looks fantastic! Check it out: The Masterverse “Masters of the Universe” (1987) Live-Action Film Beast Man is available for pre-order now at […]

King Splinter? A look at the packaging backs for Beast Man, Shredder, Ram Man and Raphael ”Turtles of Grayskull” Figures

To ring in the new year, we showed off the Wave 2 packaging fronts for Beast Man, Shredder, Ram Man and Raphael from the Masters of the Universe Origins “Turtles of Grayskull” subline, courtesy of their retailer pre-order launch. (That report can be found HERE). Well now, thanks to the ‘heads-up’ from our awesome community […]

”Turtles of Grayskull” Beast Man, Shredder, Ram Man and Raphael Origins Figures available for Pre-Order

Cowabunga dude! Beast Man, Shredder, Ram Man and Raphael from the Masters of the Universe Origins “Turtles of Grayskull” subline are now available for pre-order courtesy of BigBadToyStore.com (no affiliation). With those pre-order listings comes a great look of these figures in packaging. Check them out! You can pre-order Beast Man, Shredder, Ram Man and […]

Beast Man & Hordak & She-Ra’s Sword of Protection, oh my! New MOTU Collectible Pre-Orders are Available

Are you a Masters of the Universe fan with some expendable cash and a desire to get something new to add to your display shelf, eventually? Well you are in luck because a bunch of new MOTU pre-orders have surfaced over the past week that might just quench that Eternian (or Etherian) collectible thirst! Check […]

Masterverse Movie Inspired Evil-Lyn confirmed as Wave 11! Is Movie Beastman also teased?

Ever since Mattel has announced an Evil-Lyn Masterverse figure inspired by the classic 1987 live-action film “Masters of the Universe”, movie fans have been elated. Although He-Man, Skeletor, Blade, Karg, Gwildor and Saurod have all had their movie forms realized in action figure plastic, fan-favorite Evil-Lyn has always eluded collectors… until now. And now, thanks […]

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