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@brasco when Dan asked about VC Two-Bad Damon Nee specified figures. I think when he said "basically" he was thinking figures as well. The bulk of the...
@cosmic they didn't want to and Scott is full of shit.
@cosmic no toy will ever be 100% accurate to their cartoon appearance, that's impossible. But there's no conspiracy going on here Mattel owns the char...
@cosmic if that were true DC Comics could make a character called Slidor-Man and color him maroon and teal. Also none of the previously release...
@cosmic there's no right issues. Mattel owns MOTU and Princess of Power.
These are from Pixel Dan's Facebook. Turtles Of Grayskull Snakemen/p>
Images from Toy News International.
I was not expecting that. Wow Thundercats x Master of the Universe.
@grayskullguardsman I think Pixel Dan said he was going to. Him or Geek Dad Life...
@grayskullguardsman less than 10 minutes.
I got my Two-Bad. A lot of people over at TFW2005 had problems and didn't get a set.
"Snake Hunter" Donatello has a new belt and uses Mikey's torso and straps. Screenshot_20240725_103510_Chrome.jpg
@depp76 there's news on the front page but I'm waiting for better images... oh what the hell.
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@cosmic tax will depend on your location and the arrangement, or lack thereof, they have with where ever Mattel Creations operates from.
The first official Two-Bad review. He does that annoying thing where he makes it seem like the Cartoon Collection is not part of Origins. It is.