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Last seen: Jan 15, 2025
I can't wait to get these figures but Tri-Klops eyes and lips are a problem. I didn't notice at first but they are oversized for his face. @cosmic S...
@durendal I hope you're right. We haven't seen a deeper cut character yet for He-Man unless we consider the Collector ship a deeper cut and now it see...
Ram Man looks so much better than when we first saw him. I'm sold on him now.
Yes Mantenna looks perfect! I can't wait to see how he looks with his eyes out!
Is that confirmed? I hope it is but the fact these are being sold in retail and they already moved on to She-Ra makes me think we won't see deeper cut...
I like the minicomics but they don't make any sense to me being packaged with these. The cartoon is still the story to me. This is the cartoon collect...
She looks gorgeous! 😍 @disneyboy Does She-Ra look any better to you now up close?
I like it. This is a great attitude to have.
Ram Man is not a She-Ra character but he's in that new red She-Ra packaging too. I don't get it.
@smitty-81 😂
@ninadust only hot for me!
@disneyboy You are really that upset with how she looks? I think She-Ra looks good. She looks more like Filmation She-Ra to me than CC He-Man looks li...
Filmation being afraid of fart jokes is very funny. That company was so vanilla! {laugh}:adam:
Imp was also teased on the Cringer set and Collector vehicle box too. I was wondering how they would release him, I thought he would be included with ...
The package looks amazing but I was surprised about that too. She-Ra never appeared in Filmation He-Man. It was the other way around. So it should say...
All three will be amazing but Octavia is next level! I love her Classics figure. Please don't screw her up Mattel!
Yay they fixed his color! Lime green Classics cartoon figure can finally go in the trash!
I haven't seen a Leech or Frosta yet but a Catra two pack with her purple panther form like the Adam and Cringer two pack would have been neat. The on...
Oh. Do you know why Filmation refused to use Stinkor? Did they think a stinky character was inappropriate?
Yes! Man-E-Faces looks better to me now in this new picture. Ram Man still looks a little strange to me but even he looks improved. I am so pumped! Th...