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@durendal Man, still super bummed we never got those two in Classics ... here's hoping you hardcore Origins collectors get 'em and aren't left wanting too!
Masks of Power Demons, Prince Dakon, Kobolds, Demons (The Terror of Tri-Klops!), Lodar, New Eternia Ninjor, New Eternia Dragon Blaster Skeletor, Lizorr, Hoove, '87 Movie Man-At-Arms, '87 Movie Skeletor Trooper.
@abaddon I wanted them both badly in Classics, and despite that line's unmatched character depth, this is yet another example of an obvious hole in the collection that makes it feel incomplete. I really hope Origins makes up for it by finally releasing them. Mattel's been blue balling the fans for 40 years and counting. Enough.
A closer look at the headsculpt for the Masters of the Universe: Origins "Cartoon Collection" FROSTA figure expected out by this Spring 2025.❄️
We have the Power!
@admin Did she get into the ice wine? I'm not feeling that overly round, bloated face - it doesn't reflect how she looked in the show. Send it back and start over.
That jaw bone looks a little...masculine. Could be that the angle they chose for that picture is a little unfortunate and digging through google, it seems difficult to get a really good view of her face from the front. So who knows, might turn out ok when in hand, but it is a little worrying regardless.
It's doubly frustrating because they nailed Teela, and She-Ra turned out quite well, so I really hope they don't mess up Frosta with this fat-faced version since she's one of the most popular and sexiest POP characters.
Yes, it would be really unfortunate if our (French) icon, Arielle Dombasle, had to suffer another debacle after the terrible choice made by a certain Mr. Martinez, which cost her to turn her outfit into a flat gray instead of a triumphant white (lol).
@onlyoneskeletor What?
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/8/2025
@smitty-81 What about what? The obvious joke or the historical errors Motuc suffered from? My point here was to accurately compare the said reference (Frosta) with her very first release as a relatively disappointing Filmation Pop figure.
@onlyoneskeletor That was a joke? It would probably help if I knew who Arielle Dombasle and Mr. Martinez were and if MOTUC wasn't an exclusive line that almost no one knew about.
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/8/2025
@smitty-81 Which leads me to believe, rightfully so, that this comment was not meant for you, and that's fine. Don't you think?
@onlyoneskeletor i think public comments should make sense.
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/8/2025
@smitty-81 Which leads me to believe, rightfully so, that this comment was not meant for you, and that's fine. Don't you think?
I didn't get it either but that is okay.
He-Man and Vecna are in stock!
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/8/2025
Got 2x the most boring man in the universe.
True dat. Was asking myself why am I buying one when I bought one. 😂
Geldor is legit "vintage", even though many won't agree. While perhaps not the most exciting design, he's nevertheless got a classic badass MOTU barbarian look, and he was the star villain of a vintage early 80's mini comic, refreshingly independent of Skeletor. That's how you properly world-build. An Eternia where He-Man and the Heroic Warriors face many unaffiliated evil threats apart from the same 'ol Skeletor/Hordak/King Hiss rotation is far more intriguing. That's one thing that Filmation and the vintage mini comics did really well.
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/8/2025
@brasco oh. I was confused by the apostrophe.
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/8/2025
Now bring on Lodar, Maran, Prince Dakon, Princess Rana, Garn, the Masks of Power Demons and the Kobolds to round out the unique vintage mini comic characters.