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Last seen: Aug 7, 2024
@alexisskrull Only Man-At-Arms' head is a new tool which is fine because the male bucks are generic enough that they only need a new armor. The female...
The Teela tease is so disappointing. I was hoping they'd finally tool a new female buck. Hopefully they do that with April.
@smitty-81 April, Teela and Casey are the top of my wishlist personally. Would love to get more female figures like Karai or Evil-Lyn as well but I am...
@chrisa Two-Bad Bebop and Rocksteady is such a cool idea. Humanoid Battle Cat too.
@he-dad Other people struggled to find Masterverse She-Ra so I think it was just distribution issues. Origins She-Ra is getting a re-release so she mu...
@smitty-81 This is its own subline and they did say the revealed figures are set for spring so we'll see. Still it would mean we have 8 more figures f...
@talonfighter Yep I mentioned that but the characters left from this poster don't make up 2 more waves besides we got some characters that weren't on ...
@brasco Mattel's aversion to the vintage Princess of Power designs is really frustrating. We only ever get Filmation versions of She-Ra characters it ...
This is pretty cool! If we're ever lucky enough to get a Princess of Power Origins line they should try to add Golden Girl to the line the way MOTU ad...
I want vintage style PoP figures. Drissi from New Adventures would be cool. Ileena from Filmation.
A mobile game similar to DC Legends would be cool
@denyer The Becky and Stephanie figures also use the Teela buck. The only part of them that's different is the torso and the boots. But they share the...
I only collect primarily the female figures and unfortunately there isn't enough parts between them to make any cool mashups since most just have the ...