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Welcome to the forum!
Welcome! Some of us are longer in the tooth than others lol, but it's a great forum with lots of friendly people. Enjoy your time here!
A while back I read that my generation (Gen X) tended to stop playing with toys at around age 14 and this current generation stopped around age 7. Tha...
My Dad comes to our house (Mom passed away a few years ago) and my Father-in-Law comes over now since he's on his own (messy divorce a couple of years...
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
Works for me. Happy Thanksgiving, y'all!
Clearly risking unemployment and divorce for our amusement is legit, lol.
Oh, I'm not teaching anymore.... I left about a year and a half ago. I do get to help train younger people at my new job some, so that brings me back ...
So much fun! I've been dying to ask @admin about it, but I know AJ's been on other things with the site and then there's life that gets in the way, l...
@he-dad Thanks, brother. Miss you, too. Between work and family events I have been swamped. I haven't had much time for any of my hobbies lately. ...
@admin Anytime, AJ. You put a lot of work into the site and we appreciate it.
Nice! Thanks, @admin !
Oh, wow. Sad to hear.
@he-dad Fantastic, lol! The Lord knows I could use a hand on things, lol.
Nice. Thanks, AJ!
Had to go Fright Zone and Attack Trak.