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Mo-ther-board, Mo-ther-board
@catra Same here.... I could make it work by putting her on top, but Detolfs are made for figures that are mostly vertical. I had the Hot Toys Dark K...
Good idea! I haven't needed a feature like this yet, but I'm sure it's just a matter of time before at least one of those things happen to me, lol.
I didn't pick this figure up.... Part of it is because I have my Origins and Masterverse figures on shelves that are too short for her and part is the...
@skeledog I taught Social Studies for about ten years and then taught math for fifteen years. Most of it was middle school, with some high school.
Thank you very much, AJ. I appreciate your kind words. I try to treat others as the Lord commands us to. Thinking about now and all those years I taug...
Yeah, I think I have to go with either Revelation Tri-Klops or New Eternia Beast Man. But it's a really tough call since so many are terrific.
Yeah, it's weird.... When I spend money on things I like, then my wife is like we're living through the Great Depression and washing and re-using alum...
Hey, @bricrue A few thoughts: 1. You're not alone. One of the better parts of the internet is that it provides a platform for you to be able to...
Welcome aboard! Lots of nice folks here.
Welcome! It's a great board with lots of friendly people. Enjoy your time here!
@he-dad I'm not sure if we missed it or not.... The Super Mario Bros is a huge hit because it hit well on all the right cylinders. Granted MOTU may n...
Par for the course these days, it seems.... I'm sure the suits at Netflix have watched the pattern of franchises that already have their built in fa...
Selling other people's organs is quite entrepreneurial, lol.
I'm running out of kidneys to sell....
@mike , funny how we have our own head cannon sometimes.
Great video, AJ! I always wanted Webstor as a kid, but could never find him. I was really excited when i got him in the Origins line and I can't wait...
Happy Father's Day, y'all!