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It’s just been announced on the site that the org will be going dark permanently on November 14th.
while this sad news, I have posted the link for this site and you may well see some traffic coming this way.
if you are a member of the site head I’ve and maybe say thanks to those who maintained the site for over 20 years.
kind regards Dan1980
We can see this coming when years ago the info side stopped working.
Mods, wasn’t sure where to ask this but what are the rules here for buy/sell/trade? Is there a separate marketplace I’m not seeing?
Can’t access Did the site shut down early ?
Well I hope more users saw all the links you guys posted to follow suit
Fingers crossed. The links post had a lot of views so hopefully they migrated. A new era begins
Here's hoping isn't facing a major database problem. 🤞 With Tuesday the 14th as the official shutdown date, I assume some haven't made their final goodbyes or captured data they planned to personally preserve (if the planned archive doesn't come to fruition).
We have the Power!
it could of been hacked
Mods, wasn’t sure where to ask this but what are the rules here for buy/sell/trade? Is there a separate marketplace I’m not seeing?
Wasn't there times where people got screwed out of merch or money with that?
It's back up
Not a bad looking little site. I'm still figuring out the navigation but glad to see there's podcasts...and the admin AJ is busting his arse I see . Kudos
Just a heads-up, there's a link to here at Hemanworld forums too so you're covered.
@he-dad I only had one issue at the other site. Most people were honest. I had good experiences 99% of the time
@darthdrew I am convinced AJ is on a perpetual IV feed of Lucozade.
If you set your goals ridiculously high and it's a failure, you will fail above everyone else's success. -James Cameron
@darthdrew I am convinced AJ is on a perpetual IV feed of Lucozade.
I had to look that up bro to figure out it was the British version of Red Bull. 😂
@darthdrew I am convinced AJ is on a perpetual IV feed of Lucozade.
I had to look that up bro to figure out it was the British version of Red Bull. 😂
in the uk it cures all that ales you.
Cold - lucozade, fever - lucozade, mumps measles rubella - lucozade, hangover - lucozade, arm bitten off by shark - lucozade.
in the 80s it was basically used by a parent for medicine
It’s official
Brasco!!! I just went there and yep. Hard to swallow. 😢
@brasco Just saw that. My gut actually sank when I saw it.
Here's hoping all those posts are archived.
Masks of Power Demons, Prince Dakon, Kobolds, Demons (The Terror of Tri-Klops!), Lodar, New Eternia Ninjor, New Eternia Dragon Blaster Skeletor, Lizorr, Hoove, '87 Movie Man-At-Arms, '87 Movie Skeletor Trooper.
I think a lot of us have been feeling sick to our stomachs over it. I know I have.
I just wish there had been some clarity about what exactly would be "archived". It wasn't mentioned in the original announcement...only later on when we asked if it would happen was there mention made of the word. But...what will that even translate into? A frozen site where you can navigate posts and read them without adding to them? That seems not to be the case already. It's just....gone. If it was being frozen and everyone was being shut out...that could have happened today, right? But the message boards are now gone. Or closed off from the public.
Look, I'm not saying all the day-to-day chitchats were necessarily important to save...but the discoveries, the rare photos, the behind-the-scenes info...that stuff. Every year there were new things being learned. It would take time to go through threads and pick it all out, but surely it'd be worth the effort and there would have been fans willing. No?
I have a sinking feeling it's all just...over. No archives. No explanation. Nada. But I really hope I'm wrong.
🙁 It's been a very hard night.
Aw, too bad, I thought it'd be later in the day and was going to pop on over one last time.
From the ashes something new is always born. Glad we have places like these, which will honour the org with love