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Catradora is real.
@tawzoo It was a very controversial look for Teela that did not sit well for many.
Anytime there is a male and female that is close but not in a relationship they are deemed to be like brother and sister. It might not be fair but it ...
Is there still a bias towards female figures? I thought we were over that.
Put me in the indifferent category. Good or bad it's all conjecture at this point. Certainly Marvel doesn't want Mahershala Ali talking about Blade ei...
Beast Man looks a little on the scrawny side.
I would argue that the comedic half of the first issue is better example to demonstrate your point. The Goddess handing He-Man a video game system aft...
If this is a brand new canon you are dreaming up than I suggest you first create an entire bible for it to keep it straight. A bible will help you and...
@motu80 An odd complaint. Was there a time where one claw was not oversized over the other? I do not recall at time.
19 Seasons? That is quite a successful run. They must be doing something right. Perhaps I should check it out.
Every Motu collection or encyclopedia in publication has been written by fans rather than published authors. Perhaps I shall attempt putting together ...
I cannot get too excited over a digital release. It will be useless to me unless I cancel my subscription to Netflix.
Mattel should be commended for the job they have done here. Where other lines decline with time, the level of quality has consistently improved almost...
@admin It was decent overall. I found the first story the better of the two but It felt limited by its length. It needed more pages to tell it prop...
I purchased a color comic and half the pages had no color. What a rip off!
Seek Help. Lol
@admin Unless they go back in time to the 1980s they would be much older now.
lol I would watch that.
A sad state of affairs.