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Last seen: Mar 23, 2025
I'm sure I saw something from Toy Habits about Fisto and Evil Lyn a while ago. But I have not seen anything since. Both figures would be great! To g...
@he-metayer We did get what might be a tease with the box art on the MC Snout Spout packaging. I would love to see a NE Kobra Khan!
Now that would be a treat! I would love to see a dark and gloomy epic not suitable for children. I still bork at the thought of the movie following ...
@skeledog Sy-Klone is outstanding for me. Really impressive. He literally shines! Another to add to the wishlist.
@depp76 I think they could possibly beef him up a bit. Perhaps another 'oversize' figure. The MV Stinkor just seems underwhelming although I have on...
@durendal I have to admit, I haven't physically seen Stinkor, only the pictures. He just seems a bit... underwhelming to me. But than it maybe that ...
@dynamicg Who knows? But bring on New Eternia Stinkor I say!
Not sure what the general consensus is in Australia, but I for one can imagine New Eternia taking off. The figures have been imo fantastic so far. I...
Well that's crappy! I really hope that they sort this out 😕
Thankfully, I think I have solved my problems. I have found an Australian toy site that are great! Reasonable prices (and not afraid of having a sal...
@skeledog I'll have to check them out. Postage can be a killer as well as my impatience to receive.
Here in Australia I seem to be finding the same problem. We tend to finally get new figures available (online being the only option for me as I live ...
I am so eager for this!
Have to say at the mention of Earth my excitement waned somewhat.
I certainly agree with all of that. A new Masters of the Universe movie deserves nothing less than an Epic treatment.
I am starting to get really excited with the New Eternia sub line. After spending too much time lamenting the Classics line I came across Barbarian H...