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@eternianbunny Yeah I figured, I was jsut curious if it was like a few months, maybe a year or so since we left off in Revelation.
Does anyone know long it's been since Revelation when Revolution picks up?
@costume-n00b Yeah, I think some people thought they were going to use the 2018 version, which in some ways could fit, but I don't know. There were a ...
This might have been a direction the CGI show was going to go if they had gone through with their plans for Season 4. Personally, as much as She-Ra ha...
@talonfighter Robot Orko maybe a voice modulator could work plus with a voice.
@zarius True. Can't exactly expect voice actors to act with nothing can we? You said you had some connections?
@talonfighter The question is how?
Does anyone know what would be the best system for the CGI continuity where you make your own Master or Dark Master and have their own Power Weapon an...
@zarius Hi, I'm so sorry I didn't see this until now. An audio drama would be awesome.
Maybe it'll bridge between what's happened after the end of Revelation, and where Revolution will pick up. I imagine it's probably been several months...
@elder Thanks, I think I remember seeing those, somewhere.
@costume-n00b Yeah, I know the relationship between those two has been a hot topic, but I feel like if more time and effort was put into it, there at ...
I know this might be a bit of a hot topic, but if they add a feature to reduce the blood and gore, and add He-Man, I'm game. Though personally I think...
@costume-n00b Yeah. I just feel like they kind of rushed into Catra and Adora into a relationship just to make it happen, and there are still a lot of...
If it was me, I would've planned a Trilogy. The first movie would be between the characters recovering from the war, as well as expanding horizons and...
Hi everyone it's been a while since I posted, and I don't know if anyone remembers this specific topic, but did anyone have their own ideas for this p...
@talonfighter Honestly, it's open for debate whether Revelation is canon to Filmation or not among the fan base, so for argument's sake I left it out....
@he-dad I'll agree with them especially on New Adventures. That show looked like a poor knock off between Star Wars and the Legion of Superheroes, exc...
@he-dad Eh, maybe. Personally I found the CGI series much more enjoyable to watch than the New Adventures series they did in the 90s, despite both ser...
@admin and he's going to be voiced by none other than Goliath himself!
@admin Pretty much. Other than the original series and now The Revelation series, why does almost every other He-Man series get canceled before they g...