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@kraken This is a very interesting point. I don’t really use Paul, sticking to BBTS and Amazon to save a few bucks here and there. But supporting ...
I hope he isn’t as yellow as last year’s prototype. I might have to actually skip it and go for a vintage one instead. 🤔 Origins rarely has a dealbre...
I think the dude can pull it off. There’s something striking about his features that I can see working well as Prince Adam. And since He-Man has the s...
Shipping notice for Extendar, whoo! Anytime a new “vintage” figure comes out, I get more excited about Origins again.(Recently, I kinda felt a bit m...
Agreed, though it might also have something to do with matching him to the existing Battle Cat? I feel there’s always some influence of the toy desig...
@jonlikestoys Great looking Ram Man! Are these the boots from the original release? Was it Hard to get them off? I’ve seen other customs with other ...
Got my “processing soon” notice from BBTS for MV PoP Leech!
@he-dad I’m kind of doing the same so far, though with that wave I got both. 😅 So much for slowing down ha
I love these photographs. The gold looks much better now, but I hope it’s not just the lighting ! Some of the extensions of legs and arms look diff...
@smitty-81 Very interesting seeing the two Evil Lyns next to each other. Makes the new one feel a lot less yellow! Also great to see all of the CC f...
Extendar in the shop Origins Extendar Announcement on Mattel Creations
Don’t think he’s from anything, he’s a new creation. But probably inspired by that red trooper that came with the Horde 4-pack Powercon Exclusive.
Thanks for sharing this! Packaging and illustrations look spectacular, and I’m very excited for the set! I’m the new package photo it looks like t...
I like this thread and wanted to contribute a proud new acquisition: Electric Blue Superman from McFarlane Multiverse! On its way with the rest o...
His armor / hook seems all a new design, but it still says “Make Him Climb Up His Line” on his card back. So I would hope the action feature will work...
@sci-fitsunami Ok I take offense how you’re using “two girls” here, sorry. SMH Teela is not just a girl. She’s one of the Original Eight in the line. ...
@sci-fitsunami As a Fan who comes from the toys and comics (from way back), but like you, I hear you about showcasing more of the super-cool other cha...
Yeah I saw that listing, fan channel would be great. Was dreading it would be Walmart or something. That “Collector Con” was insane (even though suppo...
I just got notified by BBTS that my Shredder and ToG Ram-Man preorder will be filled soon. Seems like they are getting more stuff soon.
@admin A very nice looking figure, I was really not looking forward to more snakes… but I have to admit, he looks impressive. He does contrast a bit...