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Yeah I knew I would like that Hordak. Definitely will be getting him, if budget allows. That Stealth Leo looks nicer in package than his official ph...
@kraken See, everyone has their dealbreakers. I actually didn’t mind the peg joints in Classics. Unlike most “professional” action figure collectors...
@smitty-81 You don’t know the New York City Post Office. Trust me it’s hell. 😏 All of this does take effort to figure out, I won’t bore you with my pa...
@smitty-81 Yeah, good business for them, but some don’t like getting “forced” to buy things. Me, I can’t go to the post office because disabled, whi...
@smitty-81 Ouff, please no Build-a-figures… I dislike having to buy figures I may not want, in order to get another figure, sorry… Or having useless...
@karot-top I don’t think it counts as “finishing the Vintage characters” either, but I guess it’s a bonus, and a way to give us “some” Two Bad goodnes...
This is an epic release! I’m not really collecting CC but I will be getting this. They solved the “merging” in the best and simplest way! Packaging de...
After my “Electric Blue” JLA Superman, my very first McFarlane Multiverse Fig, I decided to complete the Build-A-Figure Plastic Man, and to get the wh...
The thing is we don’t know the production numbers on *any* of these. “Selling out” is not a big accomplishment if only 7 are produced. An interestin...
@durendal I would say that making all these new molds is expensive, but the numbers they produce are way lower than in retail. It’s a “boutique” kind ...
@lasastard It looks very very good! i hope it’s not just the lighting in the photographs 😅
I’m always delighted by his music choice when he puts these on instagram 😃 This Rock Lobster looks great in package!
Motherboard! Motherboard! I just saw that sale, too, and got myself a big mother!
I don’t know much about Turtles toys, but this new Playmates Technodrome on Amazon looks super-impressive! 🤩 Toy News International link Will any...
@smitty-81 Either of that could be a reason… Probably better than making up a new name. Marvel Legends does that a lot.
Chains look always fantastic on MOTU figures! Definitely looking forward to this dude. Interesting though, his name is “Origins Vypor” on the package...
@smitty-81 It’s true, there will be plenty more to discuss, though as someone who’s focusing on VC now, only doing very few ToG and CC, with the odd M...
@durendal Yeah I wouldn’t mind some of those. Classics did several. There were a lot of those in Filmation. Would be cool if they did some from intern...
The armor looks like it’s a bit too big for him… perhaps it’s just the angle. Love the head and colors. It’s obvious there are budget constraints, b...
@depp76 Oh I hope he won’t be yellow 😬