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I remember when Super7 made their Ultimates re-releases, they mentioned that there was deterioration in the molds and they had to have a few new parts...
I STILL don't know how they got away with Fisto and Ram-Man.
FUN FACT: Terroar's name was going to be "Horroar". Until someone at Mattel said it out loud and realized that they probably shouldn't name him that.
It'll probably be between $50 and $100 per figure, excluding deluxes and extras. Frankly, I don't know that I'm interested in dropping that much on ..., uh, I was just wondering if they got asked. Wasn't looking for Dan's head on a platter...
Does anyone know if any of these got asked? I didn't hear any in the walk-through.
I think ALL the toy companies are hurting for money. Toys R' Us is gone, and kids these days are more interested in cell phones and other electronics ...
I *might* be interested if it's comparable to MOTUC/Ultimates. $100 for a 6-ish inch figure is too rich for my blood.
I was thinking either a giraffe, like Halfcourt, or they could finally give us a 200X Snake Man Mekaneck, which I'm kinda surprised they didn't do. ...
So looking at it again, Raph's armor is based on Snake Armor He-Man, while Mikey's is based on Snake Armor Skeletor.
Last unrevealed figure at the TMNT panel. No surprises here. TMNT.23__scaled_600.jpg
Classics was 7-inch scale so it would be slightly bigger than the 6,inch figures (like the 5.5-inch vintage MOTU were bigger than the 3.75-inch figure...
While I'm happy to see more New Eternia figures, I must say I'm a little disappointed there weren't any more NA figures. I need more Galactic Guardian...
First off, that is the most badass that Mekaneck has EVER looked! Second off, Rattlor's neck piece is his HEAD. He's spitting out his own ooze-cover...
It looks like Roboto is sticking his tongue out at you.
Nice! Looks like Mattel is happy with the line. So...10 new figures, 3 of which haven't been revealed yet. 3 confirmed turtles, Raph is an easy gues...
That's a cool feature, though I kinda wish there was a piece of pizza or a hamster wheel or something silly in there.
I assume Hasbro would survive the merger. Presumably, the bulk of the Mattel departments would stay working on whatever they were already working on, ...
I've wanted Hans Hammer Holder ever since he stated his name.