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Not feeling that snake lair. It shouldn’t be bigger than CG and SM. I still dont think that is the true winner. With how many dislike all the snake men, and the hard on mattel has for snakes for the last 2 years, it was rigged.
Oversized to charge more. If they went with the size of CG, and $100-$130, it could have been a huge crowdfunding. But it’s probably gonna be closer to Eternia price.
Just because it’s crowdfunding, doesn’t mean you go hog wild. Who in their right mind, thought making something that has no meaning to anyone, bigger than CG.
We’ll see when info hits, but all the comments so far online, its a miss.
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/8/2025
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/8/2025
@banthafett Snake lair looks cool but I planned on spending no more than $250 when it was first announced. I can guess by the reveal it’s prob gonna be way more than that so I’m out. TBO I’d have paid if it was the fright zone
Not enough talk about skeletized Lady Slither.
I am so disappointed in the sculpting of Filmation She-Ra.
It all just screams "minimal effort". Are those the Mastersverse sword and shield with her?
@disneyboy All of the CC get “adapted” a bit, since CC has still some of the vintage toys DNA in it. There may be some rights issues, too, since the colors of CC are all a bit off / lighter.
But there could be a lot of tweaking till the final figure. Mostly, I find her hair too … tall above her tiara. But I think they will keep working on it, hopefully making her better.
@cosmic there's no right issues. Mattel owns MOTU and Princess of Power.
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/8/2025
@smitty-81 Broadly, yes.
However they do not own the Filmation cartoon library. Some of those designs are jointly developed. They may have to pay a little something to the current co-owner for using them *exactly*. They may skirt the issue by making them just a liiiittle bit different here and there.
It was YouTuber ManChild who speculated about the reasons why most CC Origins are lighter in color, sometimes quite a bit off. His theory was that the colors were protected or there was some slightly iffy area they wanted to simply avoid.
I thought that this was at least in the realm of possibilities.
@cosmic if that were true DC Comics could make a character called Slidor-Man and color him maroon and teal.
Also none of the previously released Filmation character had any other copyright information besides Mattel.
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/8/2025
Her face is almost as ugly as the original Origins She-Ra.
Her face is almost as ugly as the original Origins She-Ra.
I think she looks pretty and will be my first figure I purchase for myself as an adult.
@smitty-81 That’s different. Not saying that color is the ONLY differentiator. But it may be an additional hurdle. Who knows.
Just saying it’s complicated. And usage is a completely different thing from copyright, too.
Not going all conspiracy here. Just giving some benefit of the doubt. That we don’t always know everything.
That said, there is ample time to make things better. CC Teela’s face got a lot better after last year’s SDCC. But then, CC Beast-Man’s color turned out less accurate than the SDCC prototype. So we’ll see… 🤞
@cosmic no toy will ever be 100% accurate to their cartoon appearance, that's impossible. But there's no conspiracy going on here Mattel owns the character and the toys. They worked with Filmation to design characters but the characters always belonged to Mattel. When you talk about the Filmation episodes belonging to someone else it's just that, the episodes not the toy rights or anything else, otherwise the CC figures wouldn't be able to come with episode specific accessories.
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/8/2025
@smitty-81 Why wasn’t it possible for Classics to do Filmation style characters from the get go then? For quite a while it was stated Filmation is off-limits.
They own the characters, yes. But it is possible that very specific looks / versions are jointly owned. Or at least, they want to avoid them, so they just avoid any trouble, or cost.
They since figured stuff out obviously. It’s sort of the opposite way round, but think of how Spider-Man film rights are shared between Sony and Disney. Disney owns the character, but there’s more to it.
I mean this is all totally theoretical and I’m no lawyer. Who knows.
I’m not saying Mattel is losing the rights to MOTU or something 😼
@cosmic they didn't want to and Scott is full of shit.
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/8/2025
Well ok then, moving on…
How about those new Origins, eh?
@cosmic yeah the She-Ra/ Hordak stuff looks good. Ram-Man is not bad but Man-E-Faces...yikes.
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/8/2025