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@cosmic it might work as a background and maybe some areas will be just big enough. But it'll be too small to really work with ToG figures.
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/1/2025
Welp, I was changing out Krang's mace today and it broke. Anybody have any experience with getting replacement parts from Mattel?
- Bopsteady is up for preorder
and stranger things
@powersword123Â Target canceled my Splinter-Skull order and here I go pre-ordering more.Â
@powersword123 oh no. I'm not falling for that again...
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/1/2025
Welp, I called Mattel customer service about Krang's broken mace. After taking some info, they told me there wasn't a replacement part or figure available, so they will send me a $25 reimbursement check. That'll work for me. And I've gotten Krang to hold the mace by the chain anyway. So there ya go.
. Sorry to hear that.  I’m sure there would be plenty in store at the end of next month.  I have a red card and haven’t had any issues with order cancellations.@powersword123 Target canceled my Splinter-Skull order and here I go pre-ordering more.Â
@chrisa That's good news. Mine also broke in the same way. Getting the other piece out of his arm was a whole situation. There are still a bunch of Krangs in the area so if I can get a credit that would be cool.
I've seen Merman at a couple of different walmarts, so they are cycling through. I'm guessing Leatherhead shows up in the early summer. I just hope those walmarts are still carrying the MOTU stuff. A few stores have cycled through the cartoon collection figs but the Mastererse stuff isn't moving.
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/1/2025
. Sorry to hear that.  I’m sure there would be plenty in store at the end of next month.  I have a red card and haven’t had any issues with order cancellations.@powersword123 Target canceled my Splinter-Skull order and here I go pre-ordering more.Â
Does using a redcard have a perk that protects you from cancellations?
Does using a redcard have a perk that protects you from cancellations?Â
No. I ordered the Rulers of the Sun 3-pack with my RedCard, and it was still cancelled, even though I approved every delay. I ended up having to buy it from a friend who found it in-store.
New in packaging images for ToG wave 4
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/1/2025
That Hordak looks surprisingly awesome.
Yeah I knew I would like that Hordak. Definitely will be getting him, if budget allows.
That Stealth Leo looks nicer in package than his official photos! Seems the shiny brown came out lighter, those areas are almost golden now. Quite nice detailing.
He-Man does look like he has white in his eyes. Keeping my fingers crossed that it’ll look alright up close.
I think this is my favorite Hordak head sculpt done in any of the recent lines. I also love that this looks like it could've been a variant that appeared in the vintage toy line (in other words, it doesn't seem very Turtles-specific, like Teela or Man-At-Arms). This one's going to have so many fun parts-swapping options.
@grayskullguardsman It'll be nice if this head fits fine on that Masterverse one... my particular Hordak from that line has a lot of slop on the blue spiky ridge on his head. Which is a shame, because I really like what they did with the white. Mine had come from BBTS, but the ones I later found in person at Target weren't any better.
@zodac most of the MV heads fit on Origins bodies and vice-versa. The only problem has been proportions. They're not the same scale so they end up looking kinda goofy sometimes.
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/1/2025