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Modulok is coming!
I get it now thank you. Now we know Skeletor's prequel story was made up and programmed in his brain by Hordak so it kind of makes sense if that story...
@catra Have you seen the classics Gwildor on ebay? I wanted to pick one up but is so expensive. {sad}:princeadam:
@kewnst That is how the writers said they wrote Thanos. He was the hero of Avengers Infiniti War.
What figures are on the way?
I like that idea but how would you patch the plot hole scene where Hordak steals a baby from the palace?
Nice. I have the power! {power}:he-man5:
I have a theory about this. Do you remember when Mattel put out that comic cover on facebook asking who is Despara and it was anything but Adora? What...
I saw a couple people say they weren't early backers but were sent King Grayskull anyway. I think they are sending it to everyone.
@banthafett This no notice thing is scary way to ship people's figures. If your package gets lost you would never know it to report it.
King Grayskulls are selling for $250 on ebay. That is half of what Eternia cost.
Bashasaurus? I hope this is real? There was no Masterverse?
That was funny. 😂
Maybe it's Masterverse Snout Spout.
Is that the same head as the Masterverse King Grayskull?
That means they can use Modulok too.
I know everyone hates him but I can't help but feel bad for him. Imagine all that work it takes building up a channel and then it disappears in an ins...
The late early backers bonus. 😆
Alright Mattel! That is early! Anybody care to guess what Eternia and Moaty is going to go for on ebay?
This is a great showing for such an old brand.