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Last week when fans started receiving their Eternia playsets they crowdunded in 2022, and inquired with Mattel Creations why they didn't receive their earlybacker bonus "King Grayskull" Origins figure, they received the following response: "Thank you so much for reaching out to us about the status of your order. Currently your Masters of the Universe…
We have the Power!
Awesome! I'm more excited for King Grayskull (and the Powers of Grayskull line) than I am for Eternia!
awesome ! i love the idea of a revelation character in origins scale ! and mattel did a superb job of meshing the styles of revelation and origins here.
surely, it wouldn't be asking too much to have MORE rev characters in origins ? can you imagine an andra figure in the origins scale ? I'd actually like to make my own origins andra custom.....except that i'm crummy at kitbash and i wouldn't dare sacrifice a teela toy to make one. 😅 so i hope mattel gives us andra in origins.
and who wouldn't love a gwildor figure as part of the origins line ? he WAS part of the vintage line, so i'm sure it's likely.
and another thing, i hope king grayskull becomes available to purchase as a separate figure soon.
@banthafett This no notice thing is scary way to ship people's figures. If your package gets lost you would never know it to report it.
@asterstar they dont even mark your account either. With how much these are on ebay, wonder how many scum are going to try to get more by saying they never received it. Then the people that really never git one or a damaged one will be screwed
my 2 veefriends shipped in one box , and 2 kings in another. Im not going to be able to check if they are mint or not until tonight. But have seen a few pics of damaged kings.
@asterstar they dont even mark your account either. With how much these are on ebay, wonder how many scum are going to try to get more by saying they never received it. Then the people that really never git one or a damaged one will be screwed
my 2 veefriends shipped in one box , and 2 kings in another. Im not going to be able to check if they are mint or not until tonight. But have seen a few pics of damaged kings.
I saw a couple people say they weren't early backers but were sent King Grayskull anyway. I think they are sending it to everyone.
@asterstar they dont even mark your account either. With how much these are on ebay, wonder how many scum are going to try to get more by saying they never received it. Then the people that really never git one or a damaged one will be screwed
my 2 veefriends shipped in one box , and 2 kings in another. Im not going to be able to check if they are mint or not until tonight. But have seen a few pics of damaged kings.
I saw a couple people say they weren't early backers but were sent King Grayskull anyway. I think they are sending it to everyone.
wait until you hear early backers didn’t receive him. It will turn into a mess like their first wwe crowdfunding, and when they messed up monster high orders with motu orders. They were shit out of luck trying to get what they paid for,
@asterstar they dont even mark your account either. With how much these are on ebay, wonder how many scum are going to try to get more by saying they never received it. Then the people that really never git one or a damaged one will be screwed
my 2 veefriends shipped in one box , and 2 kings in another. Im not going to be able to check if they are mint or not until tonight. But have seen a few pics of damaged kings.
I saw a couple people say they weren't early backers but were sent King Grayskull anyway. I think they are sending it to everyone.
What? That is bullshit. I was an early backer and I didn't get no access to any payment plan. I hope you're wrong man.
I wish as a gesture of goodwill towards the fans, after getting so close to 10K backers and making this such a massive success, MC would have either included King Grayskull or Keclar (or both haha). Seeing King Grayskull for over $300 on eBay already is ridiculous.
I’m glad I made myself a custom when I didn’t get the early backer status. Pic included. I’m not very good, but it beats the alternative of $300. If any kind soul has a suggestion of a paint color similar to his blue power sword I could repaint one I would be most appreciative. The next custom that is giving me nightmare fuel is trying to paint the Snakehead from Snake Mountain 😅
I wish as a gesture of goodwill towards the fans, after getting so close to 10K backers and making this such a massive success, MC would have either included King Grayskull or Keclar (or both haha). Seeing King Grayskull for over $300 on eBay already is ridiculous.
I’m glad I made myself a custom when I didn’t get the early backer status. Pic included. I’m not very good, but it beats the alternative of $300. If any kind soul has a suggestion of a paint color similar to his blue power sword I could repaint one I would be most appreciative. The next custom that is giving me nightmare fuel is trying to paint the Snakehead from Snake Mountain 😅
It's nice to see some ingenuity conquer the inflated resale market.
Like others, mine randomly showed up either Thursday or Friday without any notice. My Eternia shipping notice came late Friday (it's due to arrive Monday). I love the figure more than I thought I would... I know it's essentially an Origin-ized version of the Masterverse King Grayskull, so I wasn't entirely that excited about the idea of him in Origins. But, seeing the two together- I kind of like how the Origins version came out moreso than the Masterverse one. I just like the aesthetics better for this particular character in Origins, I guess. Now I want an Origins version of Vykron.