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Captain is not a rank in the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), so she must be a member of the United States Armed Forces. She is l...
They are "training." 😏
It was less the design, and more the case ratios. Smash Blade He-Man and Spin Blade Skeletor were over-packed, and Orko and Teela were shorted. Once p...
I do not think it was Mattel that did not have faith in Classics, but retailers who were burned by the 2002 toyline.
He is 87 years old, retired, has no online presence, and declines all offers to participate in fandom.
Legends of Dragonore Wave 2
But he is really not. He has said so himself. He was always more of a DC fan, particularly Green Lantern. Hence, why he turned Trolla into Oa, and the...
We only know that she is Marlena Glenn, Captain of the space probe Valiant, pilot of the Rainbow Explorer, and one of the first female space explorers...
She is very charming.
Yes, there are two new characters. I do not believe I am at liberty to share their names though.
Look how that worked out for the prequels.
If the first film in a planned Masters of the Universe trilogy does not feature He-Man as the protagonist, there will be no sequels. General audiences...
Let me tell you what is not going to happen: a Masters of the Universe film trilogy in which He-Man does not appear until the second film.
According to the synopsis, Adam arrives on Earth at age 10, but does not find the Sword of Power until age 30. Then he returns to Eternia, and has to ...
I do not like the synopsis.
I hope we are getting another season.
You can see from the way he characterized those Tweets, that he considers simple disagreement as attacking, bullying, and harassment. Anything less th...
Parents naturally have a lot of expectations for their children. They imagine they will have friends, a career, fall in love, get married, and have ch...
I did not engage with his criticism of Autism Speaks, because it is peripheral to the issue. I am not a defender of Autism Speaks, but it is important...
To the contrary, it is forthright and accurate. Conflict is not abuse. Disagreement is not bullying. Criticism is not an attack.