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Plaion Pictures announces new Blu-Ray HD set of ''He-Man and the Masters of the Universe'' Volume One

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Back in late 2022, a new ultimate boxset was announced by the German company Plaion Pictures called "The Eternia Collection" that (among other bonus material) housed 20 Blu-Ray discs that featured every episode of the classic Filmation animated series "He-Man and the Masters of the Universe" and "She-Ra: Princess of Power" remastered in HD (High Definition). THE ETERNIA COLLECTION - Although it had German menus, every episode could be watched in English on region-free discs. Fans were excited by the remastering, because what they heard prior was the original prints of He-Man and She-Ra series were destroyed. Apparently when Hallmark…

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Royal Guard
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I didn't know these discs were upscaled. What a huge disappointment. How could Hallmark just throw all that stuff out? It's like throwing out history! 😡

Rebel Leader
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Very informative! Is there any info on a She-Ra vol.1?

Samuel reacted
Soldier of Eternos
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Fuckin yeah 🤟

Royal Guard
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It is an upscale but it is a good upscale. 😘

Samuel reacted
Royal Guard
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Posted by: @pop-inamorata

Very informative! Is there any info on a She-Ra vol.1?

They are probably doing He-Man first and She-Ra comes next.


Royal Guard
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Posted by: @talonfighter

It is an upscale but it is a good upscale. 😘

It's my bad. James Eatock posted that these discs were upscales last year but I missed it. I shouldn't have gotten angry.


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I am very interested in this release. The Plaion website uses the same screenshots for the two releases, so I assume it will have the same remastered/upscaled content. I wasn't able to get the original Eternia Collection, and I find it hard to accept the prices on ebay.

Is there any confirmation if the discs in the new set are identical to the discs in the Eternia Collection? Or, is there any info that they will have reduced content/features?

The Eternia Collection is 4905 minutes on 20 discs, this is 1466 minutes on 5 discs--1/3 the length on 1/4 the discs.

Royal Guard
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@redav I have the Eternian Collection and my season one is the same amount of discs. 5. I can't see them making the quality worse on the new release just because. Also I wouldn't do your math that way. She-Ra didn't have as many episodes as He-Man and there are some bonus discs.

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Posted by: @samuel

my season one is the same amount of discs. 5. I can't see them making the quality worse on the new release just because.

OK, "Part 1" = "Season 1" makes sense. So, they should be the exact same discs, just in different packaging. I'm cool with that.

My worry is whether I'd miss out on the extras (featurettes, documentaries, commentaries, etc.) if I tried to get this version. I see that the Plaion page mentions the audio commentaries but not the documentaries or featurettes. 

I have to assume they will release the later seasons as their own sets, but if the other bonus stuff is on their own discs, then can I assume those will be in a future set?

IIRC, they wouldn't sell the He-Man set directly to the USA because of licensing issues. Any idea if that's true?


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