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I've enjoyed AJs videos on youtube, specially his recent interviews. Stumbled into this site from his Instagram. Nice website and forum! I've always liked He-Man and MOTU but during the pandemic became a toy collector with MOTU Origins for the first time and my love for the toys and Filmation cartoons has just kept growing to the point were I've even cosplayed He-Man and won first price in a local convention this year.
Hi 👋Â
Congratulations on winning first prize. I always wanted to cosplay as She-Ra and enter a contest but I haven't found the nerve yet. 😸
I read your intro and we are definitely your crowd! Welcome bro!Â

Welcome aboard. Glad you found your way here!
Hello and welcome!
Welcome to the forum!
By the power, for the honor, for the glory of Grayskull!
Welcome, Miami He-Man!
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone! 😀Â
Community Leader