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We have a new unboxing video to show you! This time join AJ as he unboxes and reviews the brand new WAVE 11 Gwildor & Orko "Reborn" action figure two pack from the Masterverse "Masters of the Universe: Revolution" action figure line! You can go directly to the video by CLICKING HERE! Or you can…
We have the Power!
This set is $40 on BBTS. Did the Deluxe releases go up in price? Or is this not a Deluxe and something different?
i for real got so scared for you around the 9:36 minute mark, aj. 😭 when you were trying to see if gwildor's jacket was removable because i was legit worried that you were gonna break your new figure
(not that i don't trust you, just that i can remember always getting that cringing feeling whenever i try taking bits of clothing etc off of my figures 😅 I've been that way since i was a kid lmao)
@adoralovely I was thinking that too! Oh no he's going to break it! 😹 He is braver than me. Once it got hard I would be like nope! You're keeping this on Mister Gwildor!
These two are so adorable that I may have to break my rule and buy these.
@eternianbunny yes sis, orko is the bestest smol boi and everyone needs more of the chibi-mage in their lives 😫😭
gwildor too obvs (imo he was definitely one of the 1987 movie's strengths and i am seriously so glad we're seeing him Incorporated into the franchise more. my revolution antipation has only doubled since finding out that gwildor will be in it. ♡)
This one and teela is the 2 I might buy this time! 😀
Masterverse wishlist:
Catra 2018 (season 4)
He-Man 2002 (Snake Armor)
King Hissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss 2002
She-Ra 2018 (season 5)
Skeletor 2002