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Sorceress Teela, Eu...
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Sorceress Teela, European release. Should I open?

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Hey guys,

Sorry if this seems like a very basic question, I've been a He-Man fan since childhood but haven't spent much time collecting the recent toys. 

I just ordered a Sorceress Teela from Amazon and while watching a review I noticed some slight differences in the packaging and upon doing some research it appears that I might have gotten either a European or Canadian release. The back has multiple languages and no bio, it does say Mattel Canada inc. I think I verified the package as a European release by finding the exact same one on eBay. I kind of don't want to open this now 

  1. This seems kind of a special thing so I'm tempted to keep it in package but is it really or am I overthinking this? I haven't gotten into modern toys, I usually collect just the comics, so I'm curious. What do you guys think?


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I don't know too much about Masterverse but that is smart of you to ask. I hope someone has the answer.

Darkness reacted
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It's no more or less valuable. You received the every country but the US version. 

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Posted by: @caliban

It's no more or less valuable. You received the every country but the US version. 

Hmm. Ok. Thanks. I may still keep her MIB.


Caliban reacted
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If this was a variant from the 80’s definitely keep sealed. As Caliban said not really more valuable 

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Posted by: @brasco

If this was a variant from the 80’s definitely keep sealed. As Caliban said not really more valuable 

Ok. Thanks. I think I was thrown off because the seller wanted a slightly higher price, that's eBay I guess.


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Yea I'm on ebay way too much lol and I've never seen that change the price bro. I'd even bet the US one with the bio would become the more valuable one because it has a bio!



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