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Mattel Packaging Designer Roy Juarez revealed the terrific packaging for the upcoming Masters of the Universe: Origins VYPOR figure today! Check it out: The Masters of the Universe: Origins VYPOR will be available later this year, reportedly as a Fan Channel Exclusive (BigBadToyStore, Entertainment Earth, etc.) Update: We now have a closer look at the packaging artwork for the upcoming Masters of the Universe: Origins VYPOR figure, by artists Axel Gimenez and Joseph John Zacate 🎨 (and courtesy of Mattel packaging designer Roy Juarez.) We’ll see you next time!
We have the Power!
Vypor looks amazingly cool. It's the figure I looked forward to the most when Mattel dropped the catalog.
Dang! BADASS! Its gonna be hard to take that one out of the packaging it look so good. who are those horny toads? They frog mongers cousins? 😂
Chains look always fantastic on MOTU figures! Definitely looking forward to this dude.
Interesting though, his name is “Origins Vypor” on the package.
Copyright issue? Early packaging version? 🤔
@cosmic I did a quick Google of "Vypor" and most of it was our guy here but I did fund an artist that goes my Vypor and some exercise equipment.
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 1/23/2025
@smitty-81 Either of that could be a reason… Probably better than making up a new name.
Marvel Legends does that a lot.
A closer look at the packaging artwork for the upcoming Masters of the Universe: Origins VYPOR figure, by artists Axel Gimenez and Joseph John Zacate 🎨 (and courtesy of Mattel packaging designer Roy Juarez.)
We have the Power!