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I'd love to see a full CC POP lineup on their own card with the Filmation Crystal Castle as the background and lots of hot pink!
@disneyboy She-Ra used the Castle Grayskull background for her transformation in the cartoon so that would make sense, but the PoP toys had that typical 80's girls like pink packaging and they might want to hit that nostalgia too.Â
Right now Origins has four different cards, CC, FF, TOG and Snakemen but they all signal a traditionally boys toy like adding PoP cards might confuse retailers and casual customers.Â
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 12/25/2024
Sadly pink scares a portion of the MOTU fanbase. We need to not scare them off. Putting POP Cartoon Collection figures on a CG cardback would upset no one.
POP fans can live without the pink. We just want the darn figures already!
@disneyboy everything upsets someone, often someone with a overly vocal opinion. I'm sure there's some MOC collectors that would want POP figures on vintage inspired cards. But I think the Castle Grayskull card is a good compromise. Also they can come in brown paper bags for all I care.
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 12/25/2024
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 12/25/2024
If they do She-Ra in Cartoon Collection, I guess I'd like to see the cardbacks change design to better reflect the series they correspond with. Same if they start doing 200X, CGI, Revelation/Revolution.
@zodac I think the card art is something that should not go away. It's was really something that I missed on the 200X figures and Masterverse moving away from it I think was a mistake, but I get why they felt the need to. The vintage POP card backs are interesting but kinda boring compared to MOTU's art.
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 12/25/2024
Yes, I’m also ok with brown paper bags.
Not my video, and in my opinion, not a very good review.
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 12/25/2024
@smitty-81 The review was alright. It's bad but I've seen worse. I rather watch him than the reviewer that dresses like Skeletor or the other one with the dirty nails. Some people need to learn just because everyone can create a channel on YouTube doesn't mean everyone should.
That means he’ll start showing up, excellent.
I’m still kinda unhappy that they added this metallic shine to the red– it makes it look pale instead of the blood red of the early prototype. I hope it looks good in person.
Lookin forward to checking this one out.
I can't be the only person who just mutes these randos and scrubs until they find the open fig \ comparisons? I'll listen to Pixel Dan \ other folks.
Is this a Walmart Exclusive? One of the WM's near me is already putting the MOTU on clearance, so I'm hopeful it sticks around until these \ leatherhead come out.
Mr. Homearcade is at it again.Â
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 12/25/2024
@smitty-81 Damn that figure looks good. So does the comic. Nice touch how they made the mirror lenticular.
The dude should stop shitting on the Cartoon Collection faces. That's the way they looked in the cartoon. Don't like it? Don't buy it. Don't buy it to be first and then shit all over them. I wanted the Vintage Two Bad Origins instead too but it is what it is.
And did he just call out the crook he bought this from? He's clearly doing a c.y.a. saying hey Mattel go after him not me. 😂
@kraken I don't care if he likes the CC or not, I just wish he, and others, would stop acting like the CC is not part of Origins.
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 12/25/2024